So how did I come to be white your are asking? Okay, so you are not asking that, but I am going to tell you anyway. My doggie mom and dad are both pedigree AKC registered Shelties. My doggie mom is a pretty sable and my doggie dad a handsome mahogany. They both carry a white recessive gene and when two shelties that both have this gene breed there is a high likelihood that they will have one or two white puppies. In my litter there was two of us, one of my sisters was also white. Like doggie mom and dad I am also a pedigree and registered with the AKC, but due to my white coloring I can not be shown (personally I think this is soooooo wrong - but what's a pup to do?) I can however participate in the ACK Agility Trials and this is what I am in training for as can be seen in my picture here. As you can tell, my human mom loves to take photos of me and even puts them all in this thing called a scrapbook. I am not fond of this scrapbook thing, when she doing that she doesn't play fetch with me and she should as I am rather more important then that scrapbook thing. You can see more of the 'Life of Reilly" in my slideshow.....just
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