On an adventure to one of my favorite pet stores. I was just going to have a Wordless Wednesday photo show but there is so many neat things to tell you about. Remember you click on the photos to see them bigger. The mom and I have a real routine when we go to the Pet Store. First, she likes to go

and look at the fish. I don't know why, they are all wet and slimy and anything that likes water has to be a little strange. But she seems to enjoy it so I sit patiently as she looks in all the tanks to see what is new. After the fish we go down the aisle where all the combs and brushes are....again, I don't know why mom is so fascinated by these.....she has a whole draw full of them already and if I had my way, I would have a national 'bury every brush day' so we wouldn't have to be tortured by them ever again. FINALLY - now we are getting into the good stuff.......the cookie aisle!!!! Dog oh dog - what pup couldn't be happy in here........ME!!!!!! because I am not allowed any of these....but I am allowed to at least sniff the boxes.

Around the corner we go and into my area - this is where the special 'all natural food' is and that is my food right there in the pinky/purple bag. I have fond memories of this place as this is where I did my first puppy class only I was too smart for puppy class and they put me into the intermediate class.

Next I checked out a big basket of hock bones......just at nose level they were - how convenient! We continued on around the store and went to see the birdies but alas they still haven't got any in. Mom was a bit disappointed as she likes to talk to the parrots. So we went to have a look at some of the other displays and found this little guy taking a nap. Mom says it is a ferret. I barked and barked at it, but it didn't want to play. It opened one eye slightly and then curled up and went back to sleep - silly ferret!

Then at last - the best part of a trip to the pet store, the self help cookie bar and Miss Ashley. This is where I get my special vanilla pretzel cookies. They don't have anything in them to upset my tummy so I can have them and ALL the staff there know that these are the only ones I am allowed to have. That is them to the left of my paw.

Mom buys a bag every Monday and it only costs around 90 cents as they are very light cookies and there is only 2 calories in them so I won't be helping those "chunkie monkeys" to grow anymore. Isn't the self help cookie bar cool - it's life a buffet for poochies! This is Miss Ashley and she is my MOST favorite girl in the pet store. I always look for her the minute I walk in the door and woof loudly when I see her. She also adores me and always gives me lots of hugs and cuddles and best of all - she give me pretzels. That is also the neat thing here......they give all the doggies free cookies , but I am special so I always get one or two or three extras!!!! I even do my trickies for her which is pretty pawsome as I won't do my trickies for just anyone. So there it is....my wordy wonderful Wednesday
Reilly, your pet store is real nice, we'd love to visit there one day! Ours doesn't have any self help food and cookies or natural food... how boring!
ReplyDeleteMiss Ashley sure looks nice and the best part is that she gives you hugs and cuddles and cookies!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Very nice trip to the store. Ours doesn't have a cookie bar and things either, I does get treats when I go though.
ReplyDelete~lickies, Ludo
I went to my favorite pet store yesterday too Reilly! Pet stores are just so full of great smells and fun people who seem to always have treats!
ReplyDeleteYou are a lucky dog. We're drooling just looking at your pictures!
ReplyDeleteTinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Way cool trip Reilly! Katie loves her pet store too, though I don't think we have a self-help cookie bar! She gets a treat though when we go through checkout. She carries it very gently outside and then she gobbles it up. Too shy to eat in front of strangers I guess! Your store is very special! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteoh, the smells... Those pet stores are the best aren't they? Your store looks just like my store!
ReplyDeleteyour pal, Morgan