Mom is such a spoil sport - she says I HAVE to tell the truth about not going for walkies with her - SIGH. You see - ever since I had that foot surgery a few months ago - I haven't been able to walk very far - my limit is to the end of our street (about 6 houses) and on the beach - I can walk to the breakwater and back which is about the same distance. My mind is willing and I will try and keep going but I also start limping badly so Mom won't allow me to go any further now. We do go on lots of short walks but my days of big long adventures are sadly a thing of the past.
For those that don't remember I had a tumor removed from my foot and that meant removing half my big pad and with the arthritis I have in my toes they kind of point in a
ll different directions - it is even hard for Mom to get my boots on these days! So as much as Mom would LOVE to take me walkies with her - it just isn't possible and of coarse the Dweeb can't go because he is terrified of the traffic and basically anything he thinks is dangerous like trash cans, fire hydrants, bushes, letter boxes - you get the idea :)
Talking of walkies though - look who Mom saw yesterday morning - she is calling him Bob - (how original Mom considering he is a Bobcat!!!!) On the next street over from ours there are two blocks of empty land side by side (almost like a mini park) and this is where she saw him. Mom says she is amazed how many creatures there are living all around our neighborhood.