Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bouncy Day

Hello - it's me the DENNEEEE and I am just feeling so much better. Mom and Dad say they can't believe the difference my medication has made. I can go walkies with Mom and Weilly and not be scared of everything, I don't "look" worried all the time now and I am pretty sure all the monsters have the left the house - the ones I was always looking over my shoulder for. Mom says I "LOOK" happy now. Mom and me play lots more outside now.....I did play before but not for long because of the garden monsters - but they seem to have left too now. And you can see the medication isn't affecting my energy - I am one bouncy boy! Of coarse there is this awful "HEAT" monster hanging around which makes spending much time outside very hot for a fluff butt like myself - I sure wish that one would leave. Mom and I only play outside when the sun first comes up and it is cooler. Today that heat monster is being very mean and we are going for 103 today and tomorrow. Weilly and me have the air-conditioning up high and hope you do too if you are somewhere where it is hot - stay cools buddies and drink LOTS of water too - Mom says that's important. Oh do you see the stripe in my tail - I just have one bit of brown on my tail but you don't normally see it because it is on the underside.


  1. Hi Denny, you are a bouncy kid but that's good. Where's Reilly?

  2. Woo Hoo for feeling better, and bouncing, and the vanquished monsters. Stay cool.

  3. Denny! I'm so glad you are feeling better and that those scary monsters have left! Wow, you can bounce up high! Looks like you are jumping for joy!

  4. Always good to see a happy guy, yap, those demons look gone, and yap its HOT1 HOT! Hot!, unles dad is home the it's COOL, COOL, Cool

    Susie & Bites

  5. Im so glad that you are feeling better :) whoo hoo we learned something new about you today - the brown spot on the underside of your tail!

  6. Woo Hoo for sure. Denny - that is just the best news ever! We are so glad your Mom got you on that medicine.

    Cool stripe you have there too:) We all have a spot in just about the same place on each of our tails.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. So glad you are feeling better! I wish more people would consider medication for their dogs, and not only as a last resort.

  8. It's so nice to see you happy and bouncy, Denny!
    Stay as cool as you can!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  9. I am so happy you feel better Denny! And the stripe on your tail is very cute!

  10. Glad you're feeling so much better, Denny. Now the world will be a fun place to explore.

  11. I love bouncing and it's a good exercise! So glad that you're feeling better, bouncy Denny!


  12. Awwwwe! I'm so happy for you Denny! :)

  13. Oh my you ARE a bouncy boy aren't you! We're so glad you're feeling all happy now! Stay inside by the air conditioning vent..unless Reilly is hogging it. Which he probably is.

  14. There are always monsters. Lee says I am her monster hiding under the bed.
    Sweet William The Scot

  15. Hey Denny's Mom! Tell me again what you're giving him? Do you think it would help a certain Sheltie who will remain nameless to settle down about the garbage bag and people sneezing?


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