Monday, February 11, 2013

Musing On Monday #8

Today I am pondering on the human need for hobbies - of which personally I think we dogs should be the ONLY thing that really interests them.

Never the less - humans seem to like doing 'other' things apart for patting us, taking us walkies, taking us to the pet stores, feeding us, playing with us and basically spoiling and pampering us - which could be a life time obsession I would think!  But alas no - they seem to have this 'need' for other 'things'.

Take for instance MY Mom - she is indeed one of those creative types - always doing something, sketching, painting, drawing, creating, sewing, making things, cooking (now cooking I don't mind her doing at all).

Of coarse her latest 'thing' is the model train - and hence the title of my new research paper - 'Life Under The Table - Dealing With Human Obsessions' to be published later next month in the Journal of Dog Psychology.  Here is what I have had to deal with over the last few weeks.


  1. Isn't that train your dad's? BOL!! We saw you sneaking out at the end!!

    Bart, Ruby and NG

  2. I guess it keeps us out of trouble! I know my horses do that :)

  3. Woof! Woof! Doing creative things surely helps one's mind n body. Your mom got lots of patience doing that model train. Yes a hobby can turn to an obsession. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Pawsome, we love the Dogville Express, Choo chop. Great video. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. And it just goes round and round like that? Strange hobby. I think it is funner to run round and round out side.

  6. WE are having puter troubles so we can't pull up the video but we remember the train from another post and you lying under it.

    Dont worry, most humans move on to new hobbies sooner or later.


  7. Love the video! Dogville looks amazing! (Oh, we saw you at the end of the video.)

  8. Wow, that's pretty nice train set-up. But we humans do get carried away sometimes with new hobbies. I bought a new tablet and when Keltic wants my attention he crawls in my lap, hard to use the tablet then. Yes we waste too much time.

  9. I try ignoring Mom, but Katy encourages her by sniffing her books, pawing at her yarn, and showing interest in everything Mom does. I try to convince Katy if we ignore her Mom will come to us, but wait there's Mom scratching Katy's head.

  10. That is sooooo cool! I love the tunnel, and that engine is awesome. It sounds so real.

    I'm really impressed.

  11. I think that's kind of neat but wow, that set-up must pretty much take over an entire room. We think that humans should be allowed some diversions after all it might make them more interesting. Ah mom, if you want Denny and Reilly to leave you alone for awhile, hand over the treats.

  12. We thought that train was for your dad....silly us. We could see the dog park! It's looking great.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    Reading is another thing humans do when they SHOULD be doing something for us!

  13. They should build a train that you can ride around in!

  14. So this is your mom's new obsession! Poor Reilly, I can you coming out from that table quietly. I really hope your mom didn't neglect your daily needs like walkies and play time. Bless you, my dear boy! You're so patient with your mom.

  15. Love the train's toot toot! Your mom has done a beautiful job!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  16. Mum really has done a great job on the train set, but I agree that you guys deserve more attention!
    Tell her to start blogging about you guys!

  17. The train thing is totally awesome but you are more awesome, Reilly! And a very wise dog!

  18. I love it! It's great the way the whistle sound changes as it goes through the tunnel. Can you switch tracks so it goes over the hill instead?

    Sorry Reilly! Yeah, you're cute too :)


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