Quite a few of you asked about MY Sheltie Shuttle Sticker on MY car ..we got it from Nicker Sticker - you can design them yourself, use theirs (that is what we did), have you pets name put on the, have your own saying put on it. They have hundreds of breeds to choose from and lots of sizes and the stickers are awesome - they last and last and are easy to put on (and remove) Here is the link
Now under the heading of it pays to shop around......
Last week when we were out and about we checked the price of our Frontline Plus at the new PetSmart store and it was $49.95 on special! This is a brand new PetSmart store and is what they are calling a "satellite" store (one of seven they are currently testing). It is about a third of the size of a normal store and only carries dog and cat stuff and has a whole 9 fish tanks. We were not very impressed - especially after driving 45 minutes to reach it!
Anyway - back to the flea stuff - after checking the price of the flea treatment at PetSmart and Petco Mom decided to stick with the Vets and it cost $55.00 for 3 doses (but they do give us one free dose for each 3 we buy) so we thought we got the better deal. But then on Saturday she noticed that Sam's Club has the
VERY SAME Frontline Plus - 3 doses for $39.95 and that is their
NORMAL price. Now is one extra dose worth $15.00 dollars or is out Vet actually "secretly" charging us $15.00 for the "FREE" dose. Either way - it pays to shop around and from now on - we KNOW where we will be buying it .......and it won't be at PetSmart, Petco or the Vets :)
Oh and we have a new blog buddy we want to introduce to you all - please call on by and say a big blogville hello to Charlie - he is an adorable little Westie and he doesn't have any followers yet !!