Did you know that now we have passed the winter equinox (the shortest day of the year) we are gaining two minutes of daylight each day and will continue to do so until we reach the summer equinox (the longest day of the year) - we can hardly wait because every two minutes that passes means we are two minutes closer to spring and adventures! We feel like we have been hibernating for the last few weeks and even Mom has been going a little stir crazy.
But things do still happen in our small world and yesterday we were lucky FOUR times. First we won a book from our buddy
Dakota in a giveaway he had - thank you so much
Dakota - we will enjoy reading it......then we won some treats for our buddies the
GBGV's Emma, Bailey and Katie thank you so much ladies - we will really enjoy those. Third - Mom got a special treat - she received a little package from Australia - from
Miss Tobi, Roxy, Dui and Bella - it had some of Mom favorite Aussie Chocolates in it and that made Mom super happy. Thank you so much Miss Tobi. And our fourth bit of luck was Mom took us to Petco for a sniff around and to get us out of the house and we found some of our favorite treats on special and Mom found these Christmas stuffies that were $7.99 on sale for $1.49. Now Mom doesn't normally buy stuffies anymore cause "The Shredder" (Denny) has them shredded and destuffed within minutes but seeing how they were
cheap she thought they would keep his little gnashing toofers busy.