I was over on OORVI's blog reading about her latest search for new tenants for the garden and I must saw I totally understand her frustration with the sparrows.
We have a somewhat similar situation with the doves. We happily took in a pair last winter when we had lots of snow, they took up residence in the tree near our back door and they do guard duty by sitting on our fence and watching the world for me when I am not outside.
Now of coarse we expected that they might have some young ones and we didn’t mind that at all. What we didn’t expect was that every aunt, uncle, brothers, sisters, grandparents etc would come to visit and then STAY. They now all line up in a row along MY fence waiting to check out Mr and Mrs Doves new home and family and I must say we have been hearing quite a lot of squabbling going on lately. I think some of the extended family want to move in but it’s only a small home so there isn’t enough room.
So of coarse, I had to put a stop to this and I am now on fence patrol. When the extended family descends I go outside and sit quietly watching them. I pretend to be sniffing at something as I inch closer ....pretending that I don't really see them and then when they are are relaxed at me being so close............. I suddenly lunge and bark bark bark wildly at them. Of coarse there is a BIG commotion of flapping wings and cooing noises and many of them will try landing on the fence on the other side of the yard....but I just race across there and bark all the more until they finally leave. The things we do for our tenants!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Okay.....Let's get this game rollin

R - for Ricky
K - for the Key west Collie Essex and Deacon
D - for Katie & Dawn
L - for Ludo
M - for Morgan
T - for Tatum Tot
A - for Abby and Aiden
Monday, January 26, 2009
Okay - a game to play
I read about this on another blog that my mom visits ...but thought what a great idea. We are going to play the letter game. And this is how it works. You pick one (just one) buddy from your list and you give them a letter. They must then list and describe 5 things beginning with that letter.
For example if someone gave me the letter "B" this is what I would do.
Ball - one of my favorite toys is my big fluffy soccer ball...except for when mom washes it, then I have to roll it around and get it all good and dirty again. I love my squeaky tennis balls too....but they seem to be always disappearing......please send them home if you find them.
Blah - is how I feel when it is cold outside and mom complains about her old bones and we can't go for a walk. I love the cold of winter for me....but don't like it all for the mom....I will even put up with the warm weather if it means we can go out more.
Biscuits - I don't care if you call them cookies or whatever....to me they are all yummy and you can never have enough...well you can when your mom controls the box. My favorite ones are carrot and blueberry which not only taste yummy but smell soooooo good.
Bye Bye - is what I said to my dad as he left for the week again.......I miss my dad when he has to be away but love it when he comes home because then I can get all happy and jump around and bark bark bark
Buddies - I love all my buddies, it is so exciting to log on and see who has left a message and to visit their blogs and see what they have been doing.
Okay.....got the idea. So I am picking the letter "C" for Josh and Jess. Then what they have to do is on their blog, list 5 things they like, don't like, are thinking about or what ever and why. And remember guys when you have finished, give a letter to a buddy on your list and lets see what you can come up with.
For example if someone gave me the letter "B" this is what I would do.
Ball - one of my favorite toys is my big fluffy soccer ball...except for when mom washes it, then I have to roll it around and get it all good and dirty again. I love my squeaky tennis balls too....but they seem to be always disappearing......please send them home if you find them.
Blah - is how I feel when it is cold outside and mom complains about her old bones and we can't go for a walk. I love the cold of winter for me....but don't like it all for the mom....I will even put up with the warm weather if it means we can go out more.
Biscuits - I don't care if you call them cookies or whatever....to me they are all yummy and you can never have enough...well you can when your mom controls the box. My favorite ones are carrot and blueberry which not only taste yummy but smell soooooo good.
Bye Bye - is what I said to my dad as he left for the week again.......I miss my dad when he has to be away but love it when he comes home because then I can get all happy and jump around and bark bark bark
Buddies - I love all my buddies, it is so exciting to log on and see who has left a message and to visit their blogs and see what they have been doing.
Okay.....got the idea. So I am picking the letter "C" for Josh and Jess. Then what they have to do is on their blog, list 5 things they like, don't like, are thinking about or what ever and why. And remember guys when you have finished, give a letter to a buddy on your list and lets see what you can come up with.
Sunday, January 25, 2009

The first picture is of me on my little bed. Mom would put this over the air conditioning vent and I just LOVED it. As you can see, I also loved to sleep right on the edge of the bed. The second photo is my two favorite sleeping things....my blue moose and my air conditioning vent. I still have my blue moose although he is now covered with one of dad's old sock and is much the worse for wear. And of coarse I still love my air conditioning vent (when it is blowing cold and not hot!!!!)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thank you to Essex and Deacon / Peanut Butter Concern

I would also like to remind all furry families especially here in the USA, to be careful about giving us any biscuits with peanut butter in. On Jan. 20, PetSmart recalled seven kinds of its Great Choice dog biscuits. For the list of recalled peanut butter products, see the Food and Drug Administration site at www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/peanutbutterrecall/index.cfm.)
"While the risk of animals contracting salmonella is minimal, there is risk to humans from handling these products so we want to underscore that it is especially important for people to wash their hands and to make sure that their children wash their hands after feeding treats to pets," FDA officials say.
"Salmonella can be transmitted to humans who have touched the contaminated product. While salmonella is not common in dogs and cats it can cause serious infections."
Please.......We don't want sick buddies or their moms and dads.... so just be careful during this latest food scare.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Strange things at the lake today
Well.....what can I say!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!! The mom surprised me this morning, we got in the car and she took me to my favorite lake...which I walked on!!! Something odd has happened to the water...mom only let me take a couple of steps near the edge.....but I can say now I have walked on a lake!!!! Now of coarse the first thing I had to do - was sniff everything, rocks, twigs, trees, grass....you name it and I sniffed it. here I am checking out the trees....then just savoring all those good smells. Mom thinks it funny when I sniff as my cheeks puff out....she says it looks like I am rolling the smell around my mouth making sure I get the very essence of it.

The next big decision was to go this way or that way.......I could go towards the corn field or go around the lake.......it was a tough choice and in the end mom said "Come on - lets go straight, so we did.

Now as we are walking along I suddenly heard this LOUD LOUD voice and it made me jump to attention. I was thinking "WHAT WAS THAT!" It was saying "This is an exercise, this is an exercise - red alert, red alert, this is an exercise" and it repeated it over and over......then there was some other funny sounding alarm ringing noises and then just when I thought it was all over...another SOUND that really had me worried.....so worried I started howling at it! Here I am in the photos.....looking at the where the sound was coming from and then here I am am howling (darn mom and that camera thing) Anyway, not to keep you all in suspense mom said it was okay, the lake we go to visit is the Offutt Base lake which is of coarse right next to the Offutt Air Force Base and the loud voice I could hear was a loud speaker (I wonder if that is some kind of monster?) Mom says they were doing a "drill".....what ever one of those things is. My dad has a drill in a case but mom says it's different from that. The sound I heard that made me howl was a bugle .......I don't know that is either but it sounded like someone was having their tail stood on and it hurt my ears!!!!!

We continued our walk and I must admit I did keep looking over my shoulder just to make sure that bugle monster wasn't following. Now something else peculiar happened too....as we walking this white stuff kept hanging around my nose. I tried biting at it and the more I did that, the more of it appeared. Mom says it was my own frosty breath........I HAVE FROSTY BREATH????.....is that something to be scared of??? I guess not because I eventually stopped worrying about it. Anyway, we had walked a very long way and I was getting very tired, so on the way back I kept looking down the road and bugging the mom by saying "are we there yet????" Then finally I saw my car......which the Mom calls Miss Molly. I was so happy I went racing over it and waited for mom to open the door and then jumped in so quick and flopped on the seat. Mom gave me a bowl of water which I slurped up laying down.....and then we we were off and I snoozed all the way home.......thinking about my wonderful walk. Mom says I should say how brave she is...even though it was bright and sunny, it was only 28 degrees!!!

The next big decision was to go this way or that way.......I could go towards the corn field or go around the lake.......it was a tough choice and in the end mom said "Come on - lets go straight, so we did.

Now as we are walking along I suddenly heard this LOUD LOUD voice and it made me jump to attention. I was thinking "WHAT WAS THAT!" It was saying "This is an exercise, this is an exercise - red alert, red alert, this is an exercise" and it repeated it over and over......then there was some other funny sounding alarm ringing noises and then just when I thought it was all over...another SOUND that really had me worried.....so worried I started howling at it! Here I am in the photos.....looking at the where the sound was coming from and then here I am am howling (darn mom and that camera thing) Anyway, not to keep you all in suspense mom said it was okay, the lake we go to visit is the Offutt Base lake which is of coarse right next to the Offutt Air Force Base and the loud voice I could hear was a loud speaker (I wonder if that is some kind of monster?) Mom says they were doing a "drill".....what ever one of those things is. My dad has a drill in a case but mom says it's different from that. The sound I heard that made me howl was a bugle .......I don't know that is either but it sounded like someone was having their tail stood on and it hurt my ears!!!!!

We continued our walk and I must admit I did keep looking over my shoulder just to make sure that bugle monster wasn't following. Now something else peculiar happened too....as we walking this white stuff kept hanging around my nose. I tried biting at it and the more I did that, the more of it appeared. Mom says it was my own frosty breath........I HAVE FROSTY BREATH????.....is that something to be scared of??? I guess not because I eventually stopped worrying about it. Anyway, we had walked a very long way and I was getting very tired, so on the way back I kept looking down the road and bugging the mom by saying "are we there yet????" Then finally I saw my car......which the Mom calls Miss Molly. I was so happy I went racing over it and waited for mom to open the door and then jumped in so quick and flopped on the seat. Mom gave me a bowl of water which I slurped up laying down.....and then we we were off and I snoozed all the way home.......thinking about my wonderful walk. Mom says I should say how brave she is...even though it was bright and sunny, it was only 28 degrees!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009
Me & Mom

Apart from that, not a lot has been happening. Dad was away in some place called Colliefornia last week and was home for the weekend......I was SO happy to see him!!!! I bounced, I spun around, I woofed......I was giddy with excitement. This week he is somewhere called Terriortenasee. He was laughing at the mom last week because it was nice and warm in Colliefornia but now we are laughing bacause it is snowing in Terriortenasee and it isn't here. It has been very very cold though and the only places mom will take me is to the pet stores and as much as I enjoy those it's just not the same as a nice long walk full of sniffs. So how do you guys cope with winter and not going out as much? What do you do to keep from getting bored?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cottage Cheese twist and turn

PS - mom also bought so organic carrot and apple cookies and they are like little round balls...she put those in my twist and turn and it is driving my crazy trying to get them out!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Do you like cuddles?
Josh and Jess suggested I should stay inside with mom and have cuddles.....there is just one problem....do you know I have never been a cuddly dog. (I do make an exception for my dad - for him I will jump up in his chair and have a cuddle, especially if he has been away for the week) but that is about. I think it is because I am always so hot....... with all my fur I am either sleeping on the slate in the laundry or by the front door. I never just jump on the sofa and sit next to mom for a cuddle although sometimes I like to snooze by her feet. Mom thinks it's kind of odd really as she has had me since I was six weeks old and I have always been with her since that time. She has ALWAYS played me with every day and I have always been allowed to jump on the sofa or bed but have never really shown much interest in it. I was just wondering about my other buddies and whether the girls are more cuddly then the boys?
I be so bored.......

Saturday, January 10, 2009
What a polite golf coarse

Friday, January 9, 2009
Please mom

Thursday, January 8, 2009
It's been a sad week
Mom has been feeling a bit down this week so we haven't really been doing anything. First we found out that mom's brother back in Australia has terminal cancer. Then Dad's oldest daughter had an MRI and they a mass near her appendix and she will be having surgery next week. And then sad for both both mom and me......Franklin (the corgi) it looks like his moms brain tumor has returned and she is going into hospital tomorrow. Franklin will be staying with her son so I won't be able to visit for awhile. Mom says these 'things' seem to run in 3's so hopefully there won't be any more sad news.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Colors colors every where

Saturday, January 3, 2009
My Dog Mom and Dad

Friday, January 2, 2009
How things change

We saw on Josh and Jesse's page how much they had grown in the past year.....a little more time has passed for me, but I thought I would show how much have I have grown as some of you may not of seen my very little puppy pictures. Here I am at at just seven weeks.....I couldn't decided back then whether my ears were going to be up or down, so I had one of each! They kept doing that until about 9 months when they both stayed down. And then here I am as the beautiful boy I am now! Mom said I should also put these photos in too....just so everyone could go ooooohhhhh and arrrrhhhhhh. Here I am at just 20 minutes old on the left and on the right is all my brothers my sister. Do you notice the other little white one, that is my sister and she went to live in Connecticut - she was white and sable. Then there was one little black and white brother and three mahogany sisters. My dog mom - she is a sable sheltie and my dog , he is a mahogany sheltie.

Funny Photos
Now you all know that mom is a bit snap happy with the camera and she will often take lots and lots of photos to get just the 'right' shot as she calls it. Well here are some of the other photos she took yesterday. The first photo is of Franklin - mom told him to say 'cheese' as in 'smile' not knowing that Franklin's most favorite treat in the whole world is cheese and of coarse as soon as he heard that word he just started licking his lips thinking of all that yummy goodness. Doesn't Franklin have the most beautiful big brown eyes and big fluffy ears.....woofie chuckles..... and the smallest little legs? Mom say Corgi's are herding dogs just like me and that in Wales, were they come from, they herd cattle. The thought of Franklin chasing cows......on those stumpy little legs, cracks me up.

So in the the next photo when mom said smile, I was thinking of Franklin chasing Cow Spot Cows and it made me give her the biggest smile ever.....so big you can almost see what I had for breakfast was down there in my tummy! Mom also says that Corgi's are very well known over in England because some lady called the Queen has a lot of them and has made them very popular. Mom also says there are two different types of corgi's. There is the Welsh Corgi (and that is what Franklin is - he has no tail) and then there is the Pembroke Corgi that does have a tail. And there I was thinking that a tail monster has bitten off Franklin's tail...when all the time he was born without one.
The last photo is just of Franklin......and shows those beautiful big eyes. I must admit I am very envious of his ears. They stand up so straight and look so nice. Much better then my sad floppy
down ones. Did I mention that Franklin only lives 2 houses away and that even when I am not visiting we can still see each. I bark big happy woofs to say hello....and Franklin comes and stands at the fence. Do you know, in the year and a half I have known Franklin, I have NEVER heard him bark - not even a little woof! Franklin's mom says she has only ever heard him bark twice in the three years she has had him and one of those times was when there was a prowler around the house and Franklin told him off good and proper! Wow....can you imagine being SOOOOOO quiet. I am sure many moms and dads out there would be happy with that....but not me, I LOVE to bark! Time for my run on the treadmill.....have a happy woofitty day everyone.

The last photo is just of Franklin......and shows those beautiful big eyes. I must admit I am very envious of his ears. They stand up so straight and look so nice. Much better then my sad floppy

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Best buddies

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