It was supposed to reach 44 today but needless to say the weather person got it wrong again. But the sun was shining and mom and dad put on their heavy coats and gloves and off we went in the car down to the path along the river. Mom finds this time of year very bleak when the trees have lost all their leaves and the grass turns brown. Me, I am just happy going where my nose takes me and today it took me along a long winding path. There was park benches to sniff, trees, the gazebo, lumps in the ground, bumps in the ground, rocks and pebbles, twigs and branches......dog oh dog, I sniffed everything! There was also another dog there but we stayed well away from it as it was snarling and growling me and mom said it was mean German Shepard. As you can see in the photos there is still a little snow on the ground and ice in the river. I am off to have a nice long snooze now, hope you all had a great weekend.