Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Come on every dog

Don't forget to get your name on the Dog Bloggers mailing list - (it is open to everyone whose furbabies blog) and grab the nifty button for your blog if you would like it - the instructions on how to put it on are listed in the post below and please tell your friends - spread the word. There is nothing more pawsome then to get a card on your birthday and sometimes there are even snackies or treats !!!!! Even the "IT" got on the computer (mind you "IT" sat on the keyboard - the dashy dork he is) to add his details and if "IT" can do it - anyone can! He even has his own Facebook page now - what a copy cat (dog).


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dog Bloggers Mailing List

We are in the process of setting up a mailing list for for ALL the furbies with blogs. "Dogs with blogs" use to have one at Christmas time but due to unforeseen circumstances they have not been able to continue it. We have set up a secure google list - to which only those who are on the invite list can access.

To participate you will need to provide in an email to me - cowspotdog@mail.com - the following information.

Furbies Name (s)
Parents Name (optional)
Fubabies Birthday or Gottcha Day
Street Address / PO Box
City or Town
Zip/Post Code
Blog Address / Facebook (optional)
Email (optional)

Only those furbies ON the list will be able to access the list. This list is for sending cards and gifties only !!! It will not be shared or used for ANY other reason or purpose. When the information has been added you will receive an "invite to join the list, once you accept you will be able to update your information yourself should you move, add a new furbie to your family etc. There is nothing more fun then to get a card or giftie in the mail - so please join us. Please add this button to your site with a link back to this post so all our fuzzy friends can connect.

Adding the button to your blog is easy

On the right hand side you will see a box with some html code - simply copy that (highlight it and right click to choose copy)

Go to YOUR blog page - on the top right hand corner you will see "Design" - click on that
then click on "Add a gadget"
Scroll down the list and find "Add HTML"
In the box that appears - right click again and choose "Paste"
The code will appear in the box
Then simply Save - and the button will appear on your page with the link already on it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Such a sad day

Today we heard we had lost one our blogging buddies. Deacon was a beautiful collie who lived in Florida and we have known him and Essex since we first started blogging. Deacon crossed the rainbow very suddenly so please call by his bloggie and offer some support to his Dad Dog and Essex. Our hearts are just breaking this morning and Mom eyes keep filling up with water - we seemed to have lost so many wonderful buddies this year and although we know they are all having a wonderful time over the Rainbow bridge -we miss them and think of them often.

Deacons Page - Key West Collies


Thursday, May 26, 2011

"IT" the ball hog!

The "IT" is very fond of the ball - in fact "IT" is a darn ball hog! And no - even when we have a few balls outside "IT" will still hog them ALL.

SO here I was having a nice game of catch with the Mom when off to the side comes this streaking blur of fur, grabs the ball and the gleefully runs off with it! If that isn't bad enough "IT" then runs to MY Mom with the ball in his mouth, tail wagging as if it has no speed limit and then stands there looking all cute with the ball in it's mouth - which I might add is bigger then his head! Really - the things I have to endure having "IT" live with us! Click on the photo's to see them bigger and notice the action shots - how does "IT" balance on one foot like that?


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We did it - what you waiting for?

Tank had a link on his blog to send money to the Humane Society in Joplin. Many pets were left homeless, without their Mom's and Dads and many were also injured. Please, if you can help, even a little bit it would be greatly appreciated. We sent $20.00 on behalf of "Wipe Your Paws" and Tank's "Assistant" otherwise known as Mom I think - is matching the donations made, just call by his site for more details. Here is the link to donate http://www.joplinhumane.org/ There is a button on the top right corner to click on to donate something.

Look what grew in my yard !

Late yesterday afternoon I heard all these strange digging noises and voices I didn't know talking in my backyard. Mom had the door closed so I couldn't go out an investigate - but when she finally did open the door - look what I found growing in my lawn. Mom says it is an October Blush Maple Tree and that it will grow into a lovely big shady tree for me to lay under during summer. I am confused - it already seems like a big tree to me so HOW did it grow so fast? Were those voices I heard wood elves or something, did they cast some magic on the seed to make it grow so fast? Mom tried telling me that the tree was this size when she bought it - but I have watched her planting seeds so I know this isn't right. Seeds are little things and for days nothing happens then suddenly a little green shoot appears. I think it's wood elves that needed a place to live so they grew a magic seed and now we have a tree in my yard - and darn wood elves to chase too! Can you see the bird box on the fence - there are four baby birds in there - Mom and I had a quick peek in there last night. Mom says another week and they will probably be ready to leave the nest - and now they will have a nice bushy tree to sit in.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mosquito's and Storms

How cool ! We found a trail that links my two favorite parks together! It is really nice to walk along and meanders through all these wonderful trees. It was such a nice morning for it until I kept hearing all this buzzing around my ears and started shaking my head in funny ways. Mom was a bit worried until she discovered it was just mosquito's - but she brushed them away from my face and that made me feel better. That is the one bad thing, with all the rain we have had and this being a rice growing area the mosquito's are REALLY bad this year. They were really going after Dad and he said he will have to remember the bug spray next time. Hope you had a safe weekend - it was so sad to see all the devastation the tornados have wreaked again this weekend and we are sending prayers to the peoples and pets of Joplin as well as other places. Mom is a bit worried as they are forcasting severe thunderstorms for our area over the next few days (we have already had three days of them - they hit every afternoon) and with it being so hot and humid it is perfect tornado spawning weather. Don't worry Mom I will protect you !


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Was that a Bunyip that I heard?

Did I mention I love my new park? With all the big trees it is so shady and cool and makes it perfect for a big old fluffy-butt like myself to take a walk. Although I have to wonder what some of the strange noises I hear are. Mom was telling me about the "Bunyip" a strange creature that lives in Australia. Have you ever heard of a bunyip? Well it sounds a little scary to me and I am sure there was one just on the other side of that fence. The was an awful lot of rustling and splashing going on. Mom says you very rarely see bunyips - just hear them. When we got home I got on my computer and did a bit of research. Here is what I found.

The bunyip or kianpraty is a large mythical creature from Aboriginal mythology. The Aborigines Dreamtime stories of creation were full of fantastic and magical beasts; the Bunyip was one of the beasts. In Dreamtime the Bunyip was a spirit, which inhabited river, lakes, swamps, and billabongs - (former parts of rivers that were left behind when the course of the river was altered - like a pond). Like other beasts in Dreamtime, the Bunyip was malevolent towards human beings. The Bunyip would defend it's watery home from all who invaded it, normally devouring the invader. At night the Bunyip was said to go and prey upon women and children. Because the Bunyip was such a threat to the Aborigines of the time whenever its terrifying bellowing cry was heard Aborigines steered clear of any water sources.

Here is a fun site that gives you more information


Friday, May 20, 2011

The Simple Pleasures

Mom says that it's going to be the high 80's for the next week so we thought we would get an early start and how lucky am I? We went to two parks this morning. First we went to my favorite lake and had a wander around in the trees. Mom actually remembered the bread for the ducks and geese today and there was LOTS of them including babies. I ssssooooo wanted to chase them but Mom said I have to "behave" !!! Can you believe that?

Next we went to the park with the walkway in the trees. This is the park with all the honey suckle and look what we found - a pink and yellow one. Isn't it just the prettiest and it smells so good! Mom also took a photo of the little lake here, we loved how the trees were reflected in the water. It was so calm and tranquil. Do you see the little raft with ramps off the side - Mom says that is for the turtles so they can sun themselves. There is actually a small turtle sitting on the bottom of the ramp. If you click on the picture you can see it bigger. Hope every furbody has a terrific weekend.

PS - Mom finally gave in and I now have my own FACEBOOK page - would love some buddies - so look me up under "Reilly Cowspotdog" Now I just have to figure out what it's all about !

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Bailey Report #3

Good Morning every furbody. Earlier this week Mom and I were visiting some blogs and saw that Tanner's Mom had made him some yummy doggie cookies.

I asked Mom if we could make some for "Jackies" birthday. (I don't call him "IT" like my big brother does). So yesterday Mom and I mixed up a batch using a recipe that Tanner's Mom had put a link too.

It was so easy ! You just put everything in a bowl and mix, then cut out the cookies and bake them. We made hooman shaped cookies for Jackie and can you guess what we used for Reilly and mine? It is a sheltie shape! And best of all - they are soooooo yummy! I just had to have one before Mom even finished taking photo's! Here is the recipe and there are some others on the website Dog Treat Recipes

Meaty Dog Biscuits


2 3/4 c. whole wheat flour

1/2 c. powdered milk

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1 egg

6 tbsp vegetable oil

8-10 tbsp water

2 jars of strained baby food (beef, chicken or lamb) (you can also use fruit or vegetable flavored)


Preheat your oven to 350.

In a mixing bowl, mix all of the ingredients.

Knead the dough for about 3 minutes.

Roll it out until it’s about an inch thick. (We made ours only 1/2 ")

Here’s the part where you break out the cute bone shaped cookie cutters! Or you can use a pizza cutter to cut the dough into the desired size.

Bake the biscuits for 20-25 min. on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Makes about 24 biscuits.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thought I forgot didn't you !

Put your paws together for "IT" okay okay for "Jackson" who turns 1 year old TODAY ! Personally I am amazed he made it to this age - the little trouble maker that he is. Needless to say "IT" is being spoiled terribly today.

Wordless Wednesday 05/18/11


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Creating With Mom - Part 2

Mom and I have been busy all afternoon creating some more cards - you know she really couldn't do this without me dogervising the whole time (she tends to get distracted easily so I really have to watch her and keep her focused) Of coarse I also have to give the final paw of approval and I must say I like these a lot.

These new cards are really different though - so we are not sure if every furbody will like them. They have a clear acrylic front of them and almost have a window like affect - with some of the pieces on the front of the acrylic and some on the inside card part.

Just as a side note - we also just got an email from the Elephant Sanctuary to say that Billie has finally had the chain around her foot removed. They have been trying to remove it for 5 years (she had it put on there when she was at a circus) but wouldn't let anyone close enough as she had been badly abused and didn't trust people. But through lots and lots of patience and kindness they finally won her confidence and were able to get the chain off. Way to go Billie. You can read about it here


Creating With Mom - Part 1

Mom and I have been busy designing some new cards for "Wipe Your Paws" and we would love some feedback on them. Please let us know good or bad what you think. For those new to my blog "Wipe Your Paws" is a blog where my Mom sells hand made pet related items and ALL the proceeds from it go to supporting the Humane Society and the Elephant Sanctuary.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Pin up boys

How embarrassing - Mom has entered us in the local Humane Society Calender Competition. These are the photo's she took this morning - I was busy barking at her - "Stop taking my photo" but it didn't seem to work. The calender raises much needed money for the local Humane Society Shelter (where "IT" came from) so we guess it is for a good cause. Can you see us as one of the months, I am thinking Mr July, which is my birthday month? I am sure they will have hundreds of entries but it is nice to hope!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Walking in the tree tops

We went somewhere new today - a place called Crowley Ridge Conservation Center. It was sooooo cool. They had a wonderful walk way that goes up over the lake so you feel like you are walking in the tree tops and then comes right back down to water level. It was very well built and there was no chance of me or "IT" falling off. The other amazing thing around our whole city is the smell of honeysuckle - it is growing and flowering wild EVERYWHERE. Even at the park. It can be a bit over powering when you get close to it but Mom and Dad both kept saying how beautiful it smelled. We also got to see some HUGE doggies today - Mom said they are breed called horses. They are very odd dogs - they seem to really like eating grass. Now I am quite partial to some tasty grass myself - but not in the quantity those guys were eating it. We were also surprised to see all the new houses being built - BIG houses at that. Obviously people in this area haven't heard there is a recession thingy happening. Dad talks about it a lot. I think it is some kind of monster but I don't know how monsters and building houses go together. Anyway, we had a wonderful and scented walk and I am one happy doggie. Remember you can click on the photos to see them bigger.

Please go and say Happy Barkday to Burt - he is three today and not many pups have visited him and he is so cool ! He also had tough first year so to make it to three is a real milestone.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Big and The Small of It

I have decided to take pity on "IT" this morning. "IT's" Mom - (who is Dad's daughter - they both live with us) hasn't taught "IT" how to blog for "ITSELF" so every now and again I will allow "IT" to share some of my space. Today I thought I would share just how small "IT" is. Here am I - a big hunky sheltie boy next to little Bailey. And then here is "IT" next to Bailey - ga woof ga woof - Bailey it actually bigger then "IT" !!!! Suprisingly the "IT" has also been fairly well behaved in the last couple of weeks and has not chewed anything up since the incident with the dog door flap. Of coarse we have probably just jinxed ourselves for even mentioning this and he will "get into something". I have a busy day planned today - Dad and I are going to be replacing a few (23 of them) warped boards on my fence. With all the rain we had the bottoms have curled up and some of them are warped enough that the "IT" could escape under them. Errrrmmmm would that be such a bad thing I wonder? Okay - we off to the Home Depot - have a wonderful weekend every furbody.
