Saturday, May 30, 2009
What a great day

Morning at the lake
We are expecting 90 degree temperatures this weekend so mom said if we wanted to go for a walk, we needed to go early before it got too hot. "IF" we wanted to go for a walk pppppllllleeeeaaassseeee mom - when would I ever turn down a walk, it could be a 100 degrees and I would still want to go for a walk. Anyway, we got to the lake and can you believe my mom actually asked me to wait in the car while she took a photo.......but then I was out and off down the road following all those wonderful smells. Mom says I seem to forget I am a herding dog and that watching me with my nose to the ground I act more like a blood hound. Those poor hoomans just don't know what they are missing by not being able to smell what we can smell. Hmmmmm skunk crossed by, possum, raccoon, dogs, cats (there be some homeless cats living out at the lake) and ducks and geese and then around that barbecue pits there was cooking smells!!!!

Well we continued walking and I sniffed and sniffed. We got to see people fishing and people camping and then we came across a lot of small people out hiking. Dad said they were scouts.....hmm they looked just like little people to me. I am never sure what to make of little people as I have never had much to do with them. BOL - while dad wasn't looking I also found a dead fish and managed to get a quick roll on it. Ah the pungent perfume of Ode Da Crappie!!! Crappies is what they call the small fish in the lake. Mom gets a bit annoyed that the fishermen just throw these fish on the grass if they don't want them rather then putting them back in the lake. I don't mind at all though as they smell very good when they are all dried up. Here I am laughing at the dad cause I saw the fish first and got to roll on it. Unfortunately he pulled me away before any of the smell really stuck to me.

The other thing that is unusual out at the lake is that they have area to keep they humongous big horse dogs. Although we didn't see any today I did hear them. They make some loud kind of whinnying noises. Here I am listening to them. Then the mom was being silly and she started to walk away back to car....I watched her for awhile and then suddenly I though she was going to leave without me and dad so I came racing after her. But she was just being silly and was hiding behind a tree. Mom's can be so silly sometimes.

Well we continued walking and I sniffed and sniffed. We got to see people fishing and people camping and then we came across a lot of small people out hiking. Dad said they were scouts.....hmm they looked just like little people to me. I am never sure what to make of little people as I have never had much to do with them. BOL - while dad wasn't looking I also found a dead fish and managed to get a quick roll on it. Ah the pungent perfume of Ode Da Crappie!!! Crappies is what they call the small fish in the lake. Mom gets a bit annoyed that the fishermen just throw these fish on the grass if they don't want them rather then putting them back in the lake. I don't mind at all though as they smell very good when they are all dried up. Here I am laughing at the dad cause I saw the fish first and got to roll on it. Unfortunately he pulled me away before any of the smell really stuck to me.

The other thing that is unusual out at the lake is that they have area to keep they humongous big horse dogs. Although we didn't see any today I did hear them. They make some loud kind of whinnying noises. Here I am listening to them. Then the mom was being silly and she started to walk away back to car....I watched her for awhile and then suddenly I though she was going to leave without me and dad so I came racing after her. But she was just being silly and was hiding behind a tree. Mom's can be so silly sometimes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Some More Adventures in Dad's Park

Anyway, off we went down the path under the nice shady trees and you know what we saw? Geese !!! Mom said these are Canadian geese and it was funny, they just sat on the path while all the people walked by but as soon as I came along they all started honking loudly and went into the water.

Now as you can in this photo, the geese had babies too. There was four little geese puppies with this group. These types of geese breed very fast and often have between 4 and 10 puppies. Mom says they eat grass (yuk!!!) and because so much of America now has grassed parks and lawns and golf courses the numbers of these geese have just gone crazy. There was

The ducks also thought I was wolf and quacked loudly and even flapped their wings at me - so I BARKED at them and then scurried away. Next we went around the other side of the lake where the weir is.
There was lots of steps to go up and dad was surprised how

Now one of the things mom had been looking for on the lake was these things called 'swans'. She said there are two that live there all the time (they go to live at the zoo in winter when the lake freezes over) For some reason my mom seems to really like these swan things. Anyway, we eventually found Mr Swan, he was on his little island preening himself and I must say, he was one big Swan Dog!!!! The swans must keep the geese away from them as there non around their side of the lake. Mom looked and looked and was getting very worried when she didn't see Mrs Swan anywhere. She said swans mate for life and that this pair are quite old and she wondered what would happen to Mr Swan is Mrs Swan had gone over the rainbow bridge. But then, as we rounded the corner there she was and she was sitting on a huge nest she had built!!!! Mom was so happy - she is a bit soppy like that and was even happier when Mrs Swan let her get a picture. Mom didn't get close though, she took a photo using something called the zoom lens as she said Mrs Swan has to stay on her puppy eggs to keep them warm until they hatch. I asked mom if I hatched like that and she said no....I was just about to ask her how I came about when she said "look Reilly - a squirrel" and of coarse I forgot all about the question.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day and Pee-Mail Winners
We nearly forgot to announce the winners of our great Pee-Mail Photo Challenge. We had some awesome photos and the dedication to sniff out those messages was amazing.
Okay so now the winners are - CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!
The most funny - Maggie and Mitch
The most dedication to finding all the best places - Katie and also Mason Dixie
The best fire hydrants - Essex and Deacon
The best overseas pee-mail Josh and Jess and Ludo.
If you guys would like to send me you postal addresses I will get your prizes in the mail in two shakes of a bushy tail. You can email me at cowspotdog@mail.com
Now, as if I haven't had the best weekend ever already, this morning the mom, dad and I went to where dad works in Omaha which is called "the campus". It is very pretty, surrounded by big shady trees and there is a lake with lots of ducks and geese and swans and some of the BIGGEST fish ever!!!!! We have so many photos to share but we are going to have to spread them out over a few days.
Here is a picture of me in front of the building where my dad works when he is in town. And then here is dad and I as we walk down to the lake
that is just behind the building he
works in. Isn't it
the coolest that my dad has his own park to walk in whenever he wants to. We walked right around the outside of the lake until we came to the War Memorial and dad was not happy that they not lowered the flags to half mast. These is a wonderful bronze sculpture called 'homecoming'. We stopped and gave silent thanks to all the brave men and women (and doggies too) to have fought to keep us all safe. And then lastly you can see a picture of downtown Omaha. Normally my mom doesn't like to go down town as she doesn't like the traffic but it was almost empty today because of the holiday and is was just perfect. We also met some very nice people who said I was very 'regal' looking. I am not sure what they meant but I guess the bath I had yesterday must have impressed them - it sure didn't impress me !!!!
Now I know some of think I exaggerate occasionally - but check out this guy! Mom says this is a cat fish and it was about four foot long - there was no way I was going to chase this kitty-fish!!!! And there was lots of them of the lake this size!!
Okay so now the winners are - CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!
The most funny - Maggie and Mitch
The most dedication to finding all the best places - Katie and also Mason Dixie
The best fire hydrants - Essex and Deacon
The best overseas pee-mail Josh and Jess and Ludo.
If you guys would like to send me you postal addresses I will get your prizes in the mail in two shakes of a bushy tail. You can email me at cowspotdog@mail.com
Now, as if I haven't had the best weekend ever already, this morning the mom, dad and I went to where dad works in Omaha which is called "the campus". It is very pretty, surrounded by big shady trees and there is a lake with lots of ducks and geese and swans and some of the BIGGEST fish ever!!!!! We have so many photos to share but we are going to have to spread them out over a few days.
Here is a picture of me in front of the building where my dad works when he is in town. And then here is dad and I as we walk down to the lake

the coolest that my dad has his own park to walk in whenever he wants to. We walked right around the outside of the lake until we came to the War Memorial and dad was not happy that they not lowered the flags to half mast. These is a wonderful bronze sculpture called 'homecoming'. We stopped and gave silent thanks to all the brave men and women (and doggies too) to have fought to keep us all safe. And then lastly you can see a picture of downtown Omaha. Normally my mom doesn't like to go down town as she doesn't like the traffic but it was almost empty today because of the holiday and is was just perfect. We also met some very nice people who said I was very 'regal' looking. I am not sure what they meant but I guess the bath I had yesterday must have impressed them - it sure didn't impress me !!!!
Now I know some of think I exaggerate occasionally - but check out this guy! Mom says this is a cat fish and it was about four foot long - there was no way I was going to chase this kitty-fish!!!! And there was lots of them of the lake this size!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Dogervising my new deck

Eventually though, I just had to come out for a closer inspection. Now I have never used a dog door before and it did take me a few go's to get the knack of it, but once mom showed me how to use my head to push it open and not my paw, it was very easy and now of coarse I am going in and out like it has been there forever. So here I am on the new deck and I no longer have to step down when I come out the door, which is very good as the old ones were very narrow. Of coarse dad had all his tools up here and I had double check he was doing everything right and measuring everything perfectly. I had, after all - worked VERY hard on making the plans for this new deck and steps. Then I thought I had better remind dad about being careful with that circular saw thing....it makes very strange noises and mom told I had to stay back while dad was using it as it was very dangerous.

I was a bit concerned about why dad would be be using something if it dangerous but he said it was okay and that he would be careful. I still gave him the the big safety lecture anyway. He then asked me if I thought the pole he was holding looked straight and I checked and said "yes dad ...it does". Dogervising is very serious work you know. Then dad asked me if I could find one of the big nail he had dropped....I looked around and saw it straight away. I turned and asked dad...."is this the one dad?" It was and he was very happy I found it for him and told me he didn't know what he would do without my help!!! We worked on into the afternoon and got half the railing done.....then it just got too hot as the sun started coming around this side of the house. We just have to put the railing on the bottom half next to the steps tomorrow and my new deck will be done. I think it is is looking pretty dogtastic already but dad wouldn't have been able to do it without me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Killer Frogs

Sunday, May 17, 2009
The other side

Why don't normally go over this side you ask? Well it is often muddy as just behind the trees is the lake and this area is a bit swampy. But today the path seemed dry so we thought we would check it. There is another reason we don't go this side too..... a lot of the hunting dogs

Anyway - back to my adventure. There was no hunting dogs there today, just me so I had the whole park to myself and there was so many new smells in this area. At first I wasn't to sure about going to the trees. I mean to say - there could of been some of those killer ducks hiding in

As we got past the trees and I was walking down the path ....THAT IS WHEN I HEARD IT. It started with a few plip plop sounds and I stopped

What would I do if mom and dad were not there to protect me.....ummmm I mean if I wasn't there to protect them. The life of a cowspotdog is never an easy one......but someones got to do it !!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Get those sniffers into high gear
Okay dog-a-roos (oh oh.....am I picking up mom's Aussie accent????) The pee-mail photo challenge will be closing on the Sunday the 24 of May and the winners will be announced on Monday the 25th. So if you haven't found those pee-mail messages yet....get hunting.....and get those photos in. Me and mom have hunted up and down and in and out to find for some really cool and unusual prizes.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wordy Wonderful Wednesday

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Doing a little pee-mail checking myself

Monday, May 11, 2009
Some more pee-mail spots from around the world
Next is another photo from Josh in New Zealand who found a huge
And next and is Katie in Michigan - she has really been hot on the trail of the Pee-mail - that girl has stamina!! Isn't she just the prettiest little sheltie girl.......sigh. She checked out the Pee-mail on the rock, on the tulips, on the trash can, on the bleachers and on the tree. That is dedication to the cause. And best of all....when she was finished she was so happy she looked liked she was singing.....la la la

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