Friday, January 6, 2017

Casa Felice Sole

Mom decided the front of our new house looked a little plain so she sent Dad on the hunt for something to hang above the garage and he found Mr Chubby Cheeks (as she likes to call the sun)  She love it so much she has now called our house Casa Felice Sole (which is Italian for House of Happy Sun) It doesn't show up well in the photo but our house is a pretty sunny yellow color hense the sun theme.  Personally I think Casa Cowspotdog sounds much better and don't I look so much better sitting out the front?????.


  1. The absolutely perfect addition!

  2. You do kook excellent Reilly...but you'd get bored hangibg out there on the front of the garage. And your dad did a great job picking out the sun which looks awesome too!

  3. The sun does look amazing are just soooo HANDSOME!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Squeals! I think it's beautiful. XOXO - Bacon

  5. You look great in that photo, Reilly! Oh, and also my mom's great aunt and uncle who the peeps visit in Florida every year have that same sun decoration on their veranda!

  6. Well Reilly, Casa Felice Sole sounds a very nice name for a happy house.
    Maybe the mailman wouldn't like to deliver to Casa Cowspotdog, but you do look very handsome sitting out front - you have such a lovely face.

  7. Very nice, looks great!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. The chubby cheek sun looks wonderful. But we think a couple of Cowspot dogs would give it even more class! BOL!

  9. Oh, yes, that is a beautiful addition to your home. And that sure is a great pic of you today too!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  10. It almost goes without saying that Casa Cowspotdog is the best ... but that artwork your dad found is really cool!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. You are too cute! Looking fabulous today :)
    Have a great weekend,

  12. Mr. Chubby Cheeks really looks Festive... and WELCOMING.
    Butt we think your mom COULD have painted You Two up there... THAT would REALLY be Festive and Welcoming. AND very distinctive.

  13. We like the sun - and we would love to have some warm sun here!
    Mr bailey, Hazel & mabel

  14. Crikey Reilly .... I agree you would be a better decoration than that sun thingoe but you'd get awful tired of hanging around up there, aye?? Best leave it to the sun thingoe. It looks great. Just not as great as you.

  15. Chubby cheeks is adorable!! We love all the decorating you all are doing around the house!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. Very nice but we like Casa Cowspotdog! Love Dolly


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