Monday, December 30, 2019

Growing up sheltie

We is 10 weeks old now and mom says we are so smart.... we can already do sit, stay, shake paw, lay down and come ! She has been taking us walkies and says we are doing so good....we walk at her side and sit when she tells us......but those darn leaves falling off the trees get us every time.....we LOVE dry leaves ...they are the bestest ever toy and we love pouncing on them....but mom doesn’t like us playing with them...she is scared they will make us sick. Moms are such worriers.


  1. Wow! You can even lay down?
    It took me AGES to master that one!
    I am so impressed.
    Toodle pip!

  2. Yeah...leaves....sticks--all are great toys! You boys just look so cute and very intelligent.

  3. You guys are doing great for being so young! Moms worry about everything and it never seems to change.

  4. You two will conspiring to get what you want any day now.

  5. Hari OM
    You are two smart pupsters!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. What fast learners you pups are! We're looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Happy New Year!

  7. You two sure are a couple of smart pups and super cute too.

  8. We love to chase dead leaves too, especially when there is a little breeze to move them.

  9. Such good doggies! You two must attract a lot of attention on your walks.

    Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year. Can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for you guys. You are just tooooo Cute!

  11. Can't wait to hear about what you learn next, Kenzie and Remi!

  12. OMD, you guys are just the BESTEST!!!! And just the most adorable puppers evers!!! You should hear all the noises Ma makes seein' your adorable pics! It's just embarrassing.....
    Anyhu, I agree abouts the leaves...they can be irresistible! BOL!
    Wishing you all a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hopes the New Year brings lots of loves, happiness, and lots and LOTS of paper towels.....
    Ruby ♥


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