This little girl was the official greeter - she was so cute and just wanted to be cuddled - Mom said she reminded her of Jackson. And you know what - MY Mom cuddled her and what is worse - she came home SMELLING of her and lots of other dogs too! Here they are waiting for some other of the team members to arrive.

Then MY Dad played tug with a dog - MY DAD PLAYED TUG WITH ANOTHER DOG!!!!!!!!!!! What betrayal - he is my Dad and only WE play tug together. They took all the doggies out into the run pens so they could have a romp and frolick while we were at home ABANDONED !!!!!!!!!

Mom couldn't handle the big dogs - they just about knocked her over they were so bouncy and boisterous. Most of the dogs were hunting dogs types and lab mixes... there was 2 pit bull mixes and only 4 small dogs. Mom took care of the little guys like Rascal - a little chihuahua mix who had just arrived the day before. Mom said the big guy was called Seth and was the sweetest dog - very calm and relaxed. He didn't even mind when Rascal tried to beat him up!!!!!
NEEDLESS to say I am going to put on a MAJOR sulk for the rest of the day.....being abandoned and betrayed all on one day - I may never recover. Yeah yeah - Mom said it was for less fortunate doggies who don't have homes and peeps to love and spoil them.....but I need MY peeps to love and spoil me!!!

The audacity Reilly!! ;-) But that was super duper nice of your pawrents to Volunteer for the day! I bet all those pups had a fantastic time! They look like they were a ball of fun! And, I'm sure that they'll spoil you for the rest of the weekend!
ReplyDeleteScandalous. Betrayed and abandoned. Sneakily though it was for a good cause. A bit of the stinky eye and cold paw should punish them satisfactorily we say. Have a fabulous Friday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
Oh we loved your mom and dad's know they will always come back home to you so its okay that they help the ones who don't have forever homes yet.
ReplyDeletestella rose
Abandoned and Betrayed... in ONE DAY!! OH MY... THAT is just sooooooo WRONG.
ReplyDeleteButt... remember that they were doing GOOD thingys fur those who really need the help. THAT is a SUPER GOOD thingy for them to have done. We are actually kinda PROUD of your Mom and Dad.
Maybe you should only pout fur like 87 seconds.
Disgraceful as it was for a good cause.
ReplyDeleteAnd it could have been worse, they could have come home smelling of cats!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Oh Reilly, you poor deprived dog. I know your mom I'm will make it up to you though.
ReplyDeleteThat was a very nice way for your parents to help out. Fun for the dogs and fun for the humans.
Oh Reilly, just think those doggies aren't so lucky as you. They don't have their own park, or forts or a Mum and Dad to buy them treats. You should be happy to share you Mum and Dad once in a while.
ReplyDeleteI do understand your feelings, but at least they didn't come home with any new brothers or sisters. It is pretty cool that they were helping.
ReplyDeleteLoveys Sasha
I know that feeling, the feeling of betrayal. Sometimes my peeps visit Alex without me...
ReplyDeleteIt's so not cool.
HOLY BETRAYAL BATMAN!!!! How could they??!! Oh, that is just NOT right!
ReplyDeleteI hopes you TOTALLY ignored them when they gots home. Good.
Now, Ma says you shouldn't be mad too long, cause they WERE helpin' out doggies that don't have furever homes yets. I guess. thinks she could have washed off the stink of that other doggie before she came home!!!! Just sayin....
Ruby ♥
That was just wrong!! WHy do they do this stuffs to us??
Jazzi and Addi
What a cheek, leaving you for some other dogs! I hope you gave them grief when they got home! Oh well, it looks like they had a great time, and the doggies would've enjoyed it!
ReplyDeletePippa :)
This is just not right but it was all for a good cause so we think that you can forgive them - but just this once, Reilly!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
I bet it was hard for them not to bring you hoe a new furbaby. And I bet they make it up to you guys this weekend!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you fee betrayed but because they love you so much they want to help other dogs who don't have their own families. You should be very proud of them. Love Dolly
ReplyDeleteI feel with you! Sometimes my dad comes home and I smell his "side strokes", wow that's so annyoing! But the girl is cute, she has a cool nose .
ReplyDeleteHow dare they!!! But you need to excuse them because what they did was beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteWe understand your fury at being betrayed, but as 2 pups who once lived at a place like that, we think it was nice that they went and spent time with them. Lee and Phod
ReplyDeleteOMD WITHOUT you.. Traitors but it was for a good cause, so I guess you could forgive them, after a zillion treats :) xxooxx
ReplyDeleteMollie and Alfie