Little Mr Denny decided he was bored and wanted to do something different today. I thought for awhile and then noticed some geese - "let's go chase them into the water" Denny the Wuzster just looked at me "they are scary Weilly- you chase them and I will watch from here next to Mommy.

Well look - there is a beach volley ball all set up - we could play in the sand ! The Wuzster "I don't know - that sand looks scary and what about that net thing, it might fall and trap me Weilly. Hmmmm young ones can be so annoying! Okay, look there is a picnic pavilion - we could have a picnic. The Wuzster - "I don't know - it looks like those geese are coming back and they might want to steal our food - those sure are scary geese Weilly !"

Good thing he has you to protect him from all that scary stuff :)
ReplyDeleteThe Road Dogs
Soon you won't be able to keep up with him.
ReplyDeleteAh, Denny. Don't be scared. They look like lovely places to visit to me.
ReplyDeleteLove and licks, Winnie
Denny is very careful. It is good that he and you balance each other off:)
ReplyDeleteMocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
We think he might just have been teasing you, Reilly. We think he was trying to figure out how to tire YOU out this time. BOL
ReplyDeleteWoos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We always wanted to play on a playground, Denny! Please slide down the slide and tell us if you had fun - pretty please!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Denny, Oreo agrees....one can never be too cautious!
ReplyDeleteReilly, you are being a good brother, showing Denny that the world is a wonderful place to explore.
Don't worry...soon Denny will get all brave and stuff and you'll have to keep a CLOSER eye on him to keep him out of trouble!
ReplyDeleteAwww Denny! It's all good if Reilly says so! He knows and wouldn't let anything happen to his little brother!