Sunday, November 13, 2016

Denny's New Hobby

Having a park in front and behind our new house - we have a LOT of local wildlife including some very friendly Green Anole Lizards that love to not only sit on our deck - but constantly seem to find their way into the sunroom. Denny has decided these are great fun to chase and has taken to sitting out on the deck for hours just watching for them.
There's one behind you Mom
And another one over there
And there's one up there in the tree
I the Denny Dog am watching you Mr Anole!


  1. We used to have those at our house in Texas and loved to chase them too....have you caught any of their tails yet??!!
    Dory, Jakey, Bilbo and Mayor Elect Arty

  2. That is great new hobby Denny. How I wish we had lizards here in Scotland, especially bright green ones, but I think it's too cold!
    Toodle pip!

  3. Our Jessy human who lives in Boca Raton says there are lots of lizards around her house too, depending on the time of year. They move so fast! Otherwise the egrets and herons will eat them.

  4. Hari OM
    Oooh they's preeetteeeeeee... Nice new hobby Denny dog!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Great detective work, Denny - and maybe it distracts you from being afraid like Lightning.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  6. WAY TO GO DENNY. We think that is a WONDERFUL new Hobby!!!

  7. Have you caught any yet, Denny?

  8. Keeping the world safe from lizards is an important job.

  9. BOL we has lots of lizards and I always like to show Mama where they are even if that means almost destroying her Japanese Magnolia...DOH ;)

    Matt (& Matilda)

  10. We have the blue tail lizards but the tails break off and burn the dogs's mouths. ~Amy

  11. WoooHooo! OMD, dude, that looks like a FABulous hobby! We gots lizards here too, butts I haven't caught one yet..they're WAY too fast for me...butts I still likes to try!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Denny, you are SO brave!! Those guys are really cool looking, actually!!


  13. ooh!! that sounds like a fun hobby!!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  14. we have lots of lizards here too but they aren't as pretty as yours. happy hunting!
    wags, bailey unleashed


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