Friday, November 13, 2015


It has been a while since we went to visit MY Fort Caroline Cowspotdog Park but we headed over there today to check it out. It was still pretty soggy from all the rain we had earlier in the week and we couldn't walk on our normal path as it was still flooded but there was plenty of pee-mail to read and other things to smell. And how perfect is this - MY staff have installed Reilly viewing platforms on the river side so my fur doesn't get wet sitting on the grass. I must say I quite enjoyed watching the boats go by from my new vantage point and being such a thoughtful dog -  I even let Mom sit on the corner. Yes - Dweeb got to sit of MY platform too but only because I let him. Mom said instead of attitude I have fort-a-tude sitting there :)


  1. Looks perfect Reilly. Glad you shared with your mom and Denny too!

  2. You do haf the most amazing parks to walkies in!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. BOL! Your mom is funny. I think it is excellent that the park staff put out viewing platforms for you. That was very thoughtful of them. I do like NOT having to be in the wet and soggy grass.

  4. A special viewing stand for the new Bark! That's the way you should always be treated.

  5. Your very own viewing platform! No sitting on wet grass for you.
    Now I know why your furs always look so clean Reilly.

  6. that platforms are a great idea... I would like some for my back yard... I always have an eye on that hood here...

  7. Beautiful. Your pictures are making mommy want to go to the beach for a visit :) XOXO - Bacon

  8. Wow, what a wonderful place! You two have excellent spots for walkies and snuffles and peemail and etc. Very nice to have those platforms for better viewing. :) Fort-aTude BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  9. We are happy to see you had your own special place to si. We are still looking for socks/booties that stay on our feets. Do yours stay on?
    Lily & Edward

  10. Cool fort! Maybe your rains will stop? Today, for the first time EVER the sun was out in the morning! I was so blinded I almost hit a tree!

  11. Well, that is nice. Having your own personal viewing platform!
    Dip and Elliot x

  12. Joey dog would love a platform like that. He hates to get his feet wet!

  13. Reilly your staff has done some Swell thingys at YOUR FORT.... we are glad that you let Denny enjoy them also.

  14. Oh, how nice is that?!?! I like the thought of Reilly viewing platforms! It was very kind of you to share it with your mom and Denny!

  15. That was great to have those platforms installed just for your viewing pleasure!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. That is a very pretty place.....glad your momma is feeling better.
    stella rose

  17. That is a very cool viewing platform!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. OMD, that is FABulous!!!!! I loves it! And that is so sweet of you to lets your Moms and Dweeb sit on it! Such a thoughtful fellow
    Ruby ♥

  19. That is one cool platform, Reilly!

  20. Soggy is not a good thing. Keep those paws dry!


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