To say we are having a battle with the evil Mosquitosaurus's (giant mosquito's) would be an understatement - the stores around here have all run out of bug spray and repellent and the city council is resorting to fogging by planes to try and get the upper hand. They already go around town in trucks fogging. Now as we have mentioned we live in a big rice growing area so at this time of year the fields are flooded to help the rice grow and that of coarse makes it mosquito central but the past six week have had rain just about every day so there is a lot of standing water too - in fact we have had so much rain the ground is saturated and can't absorb anymore which is creating mini lakes everywhere and we know how the mosquito's love those.

Mom has even been fogging under MY deck (with a special pet safe fogger) to try and help as during the day as the mozzies love the shade. We have LOTS of pots of marigolds, citronella and other herbs like mint, lemon verbernia etc that are meant to repel buglies away too but they just can't handle the onslaught we have at the moment. We also have electric bug zappers but they are not coping either. Our front door alcove is another place they love as it is dark and damp and where they often sneak in the house if Mom has to open the door for the delivery people. Now the Dweeb with his big thick heavy coat isn't bothered by them but they sure do like to attack me and Mom. See even though my coat looks thick it isn't and those Mosquitosaurus's go after me when I go outside. It has got so bad Mom decided to order a mosquito net to go over the bed as no matter what we do they always seem to find a way inside and there is nothing worse than mozzies around around your face at night time. Now I don't normally like sleeping on the bed - preferring a nice cold floor but I think I am quite liking this netting thing. I just need to figure out a way to make a portable one of these that can hang over me when I go outside :)
PS: Mom says normally she HATES using chemicals of any kind but we are in an area that has a very HIGH risk of West Nile and
Chikungunya - the latest nasty virus carried by mosquito's and with all her health problems she can't risk getting one of those.
Oh man! That's awful.
ReplyDeleteI hope the fogging helps! That's no way to live. Although, the mosquito netting is kind of pretty! Your mom can pretend she's sleeping in the rainforest or something :)
We are sorry the bugs are so bad. We have had luck with K9 Kelp conditioning spritz. It helped us with the bugs.
ReplyDeleteLady says thanks for the idea about a massage, she will add this to our evening routine.
We are SO sorry that the mozzies are SO prolific this year...
ReplyDeleteWe plant MARIGOLDS in this neck of the woods.... and they DO help keep the SKEETERS away.... esp if you break off a few bits and scatter them around a tad... They might even grow under your deck... if it isn't TOO dark.. AND you can Safely Rub the foliage on US... it tastes BAD butt is totally SAFE fur us to even lick.
Hope the Fogging helps...
Fogging is so terrible for the enviroment! Just plant marigolds and lots of citronella stuff.
ReplyDeleteOh Noes!! That sounds, well, yucky!! Though that net looks FABulous!! Ma says if I got around that, I would rip it down in no time! Yeah, probably...
ReplyDeleteYou should come here and stay til those pesky mossies leave...it's just too dry to hatch here!
Ruby ♥
Yikes! I am glad we don't have that, only lizasoauruses (lizards)
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
The netting canopy looks cool.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you have to resort to chemical warfare...this sounds like THE time. Make sure you're taking your Heart Worm treatment. Your mosquitoes are MONSTERS. They can probably drain you in one session!
ReplyDeleteHope the season improves so you can get out.
XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui
We hate skeeters! Luckily we don't have many around where we live!
ReplyDeleteYour pals,
Murphy & Stanley
We just got a mental picture of you with a veiled hat on and the veil covers your entire body, Reilly! Bummer about the mosquitoes. They are a pain!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
we are lucky here, not too many buggers, but we are going camping next week. Hope Dad can find us a spot without bugs!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta
I'm so sorry to read about your mosquito problem!! My husband is super allergic to them so I totally sympathize! Your pups are super cute! :D
ReplyDeleteUgh we retreat to the screened in area when they come out. With those diseases you can't be too careful. I hate chemicals too but I prefer an occasional bit of deet to getting Lyme or west Nile. Sounds like you are being careful, good for you.
ReplyDeleteUgles to bugles!! We hope things get better soon@@
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
That is awful guys....we had some last summer but nit as bad as the year before...we know they like to hang out around the dam and if they stay there fine by me! you can't take chances with the diseases they carry though..i thin the nets are a great idea to keep them down a bit..hope thay all bug off :) hugs Fozziemum xx
ReplyDeleteWe have a ton of those nasty biting bugs this year too, but mostly they are eating my Mom. She cn barely go outside.
ReplyDeleteWow you guys are in a real war zone! They are bad here too, your mom is very clever and sometimes chemicals are necessary to be safe. Love Dolly
ReplyDeleteGrrr! We HATE mosquitoes and they LOVE me. The only time we can enjoy outdoors is during the hottest part of the day. They attack me like I'm the blood bank. Your definitely in the perfect atmosphere to make them thrive. Good luck in your battle!
ReplyDeleteYour poor pack! I had no idea the bugs were so bad in other places. It must be out of control if they are using chemical warfare! I did not know anything about marigolds and mosquitoes until your post. My mom is going to plant some and I'm going to try to refrain from eating them.
Crikey ... chikungunyah! I've never heard of it but I sure hope you don't catch it. It sounds real crook!! That net looks VERY nice over the bed. That'll keep them bugs out, aye?? If it was chookungunyah I'd catch it for you ....
ReplyDeleteThe county here has been trying to spray from planes at night but have been unsuccessful because of all the rain. So, there are a bazillion mozzies in my neighborhood too. We hate them...Ma always seems to get eaten alive when she goes outside. Those mozzie nets work really well so enjoy the peace and non-biting under there. And Ma says she had no idea about different plants that keep the bugs away so you have taught her something! Thanks!
Ugh- that sounds horrible! I have to agree that using chemicals is probably the way to go in this situation. I would do the same! Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do to keep yourself and the dogs safe.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Dad can carry a giant skeeter net while you go on walks?