Thursday, March 9, 2017

The funny sculpture

Some of you asked about the funny sculpture yesterday - according to the sign it was actually meant to be a bird - it sure didn't look like a bird to us !  We were at MY Cowspotdog Arboretum and Gardens and took a trial we hadn't been on before called the Live Oak Trail. Along the way we came across an open grove where lots of trees had been removed and there was a sign up explaining that this was a grove of Camphor Trees that are an invasive tree from Asia and they are being eradicated from MY park. Even the stump of the tree had a very strong smell and Mom said it actually smelled nice to her. We kept walking and came across this bridge that leads to the Rosemary Trail but for some reason this is the ONLY trail in MY park where doggies are not allowed so we didn't go that way. We did discover this odd looking lichen which we found out is called "Christmas Lichen" due to it red and white colors - pretty cool huh!


  1. a berd? hahaha we thought it is a squirrel LOL... you should check that tree from time to time... maybe that lichen makes it to a christmas tree and you will find gifts there once?

  2. Maybe it is our Canadian eyes but that statue looks more like a beaver to us!

  3. Hari OM
    Oh yes, camphor trees were invasive in OZ too and my local council (Hornsby Shire) had a blitz on removal of them about 15 years back! ... a bird? Nah. I'll stick with the squirrel... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh my dawg! We thought it was a bear BOL
    Lily & Edward

  5. Doesn't look like a bird to me either. Cool lichen though!

  6. I think the sculpture looks like a squirrel.

    Aroo to you,

  7. We still don't see the BIRD, just a beaver. That lichen is very interesting.

  8. Thank you for the update on the statue. That is really weird seeing red on a tree. ☺

  9. How funny we thought it was maybe a squirrel or a beaver BOL
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. Well, thank you for the explanation on that sculpture, but we have to agree, it sure doesn't look much like a bird. You are so lucky to have such fun trails to follow.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  11. It looks like a Iowa Squirrel to us. stella rose

  12. Oooooh! I'm likin' that lichen! Ha roo woo roo.

  13. The Christmas Lichen is beautiful!

  14. OMD we thought it was a SQUIRREL... We wondered why you weren't CHASING it.

  15. Wow...we've never seen red lichen before...very cool!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. OMD, that is soooo cool guys! I kinda see the burdie face, butts WTD is the hind part??! That burdie has a bigger butts than MA!!!! hehehehe
    That 'Christmas' tree is cool! I've never seen anything like that befores!
    Ruby ♥


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