We are going to give away 3 sets of 5 cards, plus Mom has made envelopes for each card too. So what is the challenge you ask - it is easy. Mom will give each contestant a number and in two weeks time I will pick the winners. Anyone is welcome to enter (even those not in the USA) - so tell your Blog Buddies to come on by. We know it's not always easy to sneak up on a snoozing doggie - so you have 2 weeks to take a photo or hunt through your old ones. Closing date is the 3rd of March 2011.
What we want to see is the funniest, cutest or most adorable pictures you have of yourself sleeping - all four feet in the air, laying in the sunshine, on the arm of the sofa, with your head on the pillow, curled up in a flower garden, snuggled in a blanket, in a box - what ever. I am sure some of you even have some pictures of you in your PJ's !!!
Post the pictures on your blog and then come back and leave me the URL and a little description about the picture. How easy is that ? Get those camera's out Mom's and Dad's and start snapping!
Thanks for having such a great giveway. Love those cards! They are so cute! Can't wait to enter. I'll be back again soon :)
ReplyDeleteDon't you know princesses have to sleep properly? They can't have funny sleeping positions because that wouldn't be very princess-like would it?
ReplyDeleteI am pretty upset I won't be able to take part in this giveaway because the cards are sooo pretty but, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of the whole world with a un-princess-like sleeping pose!
Those cards are absolutely gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to see if I can find some funny sleeping or photos, or take a new one!
Your mom's cards are amazing! We will look for sleeping photos and see what we can use to enter!
ReplyDeleteWhat lovely cards! We'll be thinking about sleepies very soon and we'll let mom know to keep that camera handy, Reilly!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sleeping ey.....when we get home I bet Katie doesn't sleep for a week! But we'll see what we can do!
ReplyDeleteReilly, this sounds like a great idea. I've got just the picture of Trudy to enter, and will post the URL soon.
ReplyDeleteI have a question though: Whenever you say your Mom has posted something on the blog, like the pictures of the cards on this post, I never can see a link to see the photos or other content. Is there a secret paw-shake I haven't been told about?
I just started my blog in the fall of 2010, and this picture, taken in the fall of 2008, was my second post. I like looking at LOLcats and LOLdogs, so I created this LOL of Trudy.
I finally got my entry up on my blog. Here is the url:
Cute cards, what a great idea.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to go look for some sleeping pictures. We don't have too many, because Airedales never sleep..Ha!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Hi Reilly! I just posted my sleeping dog blog post:
I fell asleep at the door during trick or treat night last Halloween!
what a sweet giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteso glad Mom is feeling up to a give away ... and able to think about other people - what a brutal year you have all had :(
this is Brody entry .. Sally and Thea and Sampson all have cute sleeping pictures too - but I thought of this one as soon as I read your post - partly because I've never seen Brody there before and partly because he was just so horrified by our houseguests that weekend!
Hi Wiley
ReplyDeleteI will be posting my pictoowe fow you soon
I'll let you know, meantime let's be fwiends OK?
smoochie kisses
Well, what a happy coincidence. Khyra sent me over here on the very day that I posted a most curious sleeping photo of my large and handsome self. You can see it here.
P.S. Our doggie store sells doggie cards. Momma always cries when she buys a Rainbow Bridge one.
Oops, I forgot to leave a description. Well, the thing is that I am a very deep sleeper and I also have lots of extra lips and jowls so at times, well, there is a bit of the inner me showing.
Hi Reilly! Your mom's cards are lovely. We'll be back with some snoozing photos! In the mean time, we're your newest followers! come visit us at
We''ll be back!
Thanks for having such a great giveaway! The cards are adorable!
This is Seren when he was a puppy last year. I was giving him a little brushing and had my feet up on another chair. He stretched out on my legs, then fell asleep...suspended above the floor :)
Your cards are so lovely. We would like to submit this photo for the contest.
This is our youngest member of the pack welcoming home the newest furry member.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
WooHoo! Reilly! We have a sleeping post for you now. Cool contest!!
ReplyDeleteSmooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
Fun contest! And a great excuse for me to post more pictures of Tibby sleeping!
Tibby from puppy until now sleeping with her best friend Catty. :)
I just found your blog -- man I hope I'm not too late! It's not 6 p.m. in Texas yet... :)
ReplyDeleteWell, just in case, I'm contributing this pic of me sleeping on my humans' bed. I knew I wasn't allowed to be all the way on, so I came up with a sort of compromise: