ANYTHING my Mom does includes us and even if she is working on her train stuff she always stops and gives us pats and cuddles, slips us a cookie and she always make time to take us walkies. Heck - I have even decided 'life next to the table" instead of under it - is pretty darn good. For some reason I like watching those silly things go round and round.

So if you don't like OUR train stuff - to bad because it is here to stay. Our doggie lives are made up of our Mom & Dad's lives and what ever interests them interests us too.
Now of coarse even Mom knows this is MY blog - and that I will OCCASIONALLY share a spot with her ...but there is no way I would let her go crazy on it - for it is after all MY blog and is all about ME (and occasionally the Dweeb) She has in fact got her own blog called Dogville USA which you can check out here if you want to see the process she went through to make Dogville and some of the tips and tricks she used.
You can check out the video to see all the things we have made to honor our dog blog buddies and see better close up photos of all the buildings here. We have also named the Gazebo after our Sweet Miss Asta - we still have our paws crossed that she get good results back on her tests.
Oh, Miss Bree!! We love the Dogvill Train !! Our favrite is the Gosphel of Goose Church, and Pip's Roadkill Cafe!! Beautiful and thoughtful!
ReplyDeleteDenny, you aren't scared of that train sound are you? We hope not!!
-Bart, Ruby and Otto
We loved you Mum's dogville blog. We left a comment there too. Your mUm is very patient. I would have been more like your Dad and lost interest pretty quick, but then I'm not very crafty.
ReplyDeleteOh no, mean people suck! I am sorry for nasty comments. We always enjoy your posts whether about dogs, trains, or anything else!
ReplyDeleteYour pal, Pip
We love the Roadkill Cafe, Pip must be thrilled. Actually it is all brilliant. We love seeing it. Have a magnificent Monday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
This is SO AMAZING!!! Thanks for including the Road Kill Cafe!! What a wonderful creation, thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYour pal, Pip
Oooh, what fun! Mommi and I just love!!!!! Youw twain and Dogville village Thank you fow that most mawveloos toow. It's lovely and bootiful, just as I imagined it woold be. I know all of us doggies awe soopew happy that you made this fow us. I lwill be going into Pip's dinew and M&M's hadwawe stowe and all sitting in the gzebo wif my fwiends watching and listening fow the toot toot of the twain
ReplyDeleteThank you so much gow all yoow wowk
Smoochie kisses
I can't believe how quickly this layout came together! It is simply amazing. What a great idea to personalize it with all your doggie friends' names. We are honored to have Misty included.
ReplyDeletePee ess, we awe so sowwy that thewe awe nasty meanspiwited hoomans out thewe. They awe jelly of the fun and sweetness you have cweated and shoold be ignowed. We love you and Weilly and Denny and all you do
ReplyDeleteSmoochie kisses
Asta and Mommi
Pip told us about the NASTY Words that were left. SHAME on that Ugly pawson who did that.
ReplyDeleteJust consider the SOURCE and Ignore it.
It is sad that they have such a miserable outlook.
Glad that you GOT RID of the words... THAT is what TRASH deserves.
So sorry that this happened.
Boo to mean people. I like looking at the train stuff. So stick that in your _____ and blow mean people.
Dawling Weilly, Denny and yoow sweet Mom
ReplyDeleteI am beyond honouwed to have that gowgoos gazebo named aftew me
Humble thankful smoochie kisses
WOOHOO. We love trains here at the Mayoral abode.
ReplyDeleteMy dad is in a train club, he buys brass trains then proceeds to make itty bitty parts and pieces to replicate the real train!
Well done and we are pleased to meet you
Madi and mom
We likes model trains. We don't have one, Mommy says we don't have anywhere to put one now, but whenever her and Daddy go to the mall they always visit the model train place cause they thinks it is neat. How pawsome that you have your own to watch. When Mommy takes me and Tui for walks sometimes we stop to eat at a place next to an old train depot and active train tracks. We has to eat outside on the deck and sometimes we gets to see trains rushing past. I thinks I would like to have my own model train one day. ~Fenris
ReplyDeleteWow, that's so amazing! An aerial view of our community, and I got to see our new Police Station! OMD thank you so very much for this great video. I love the food places and the church and the birdies on the water and of course, the cows. BOL Very nice post and I'm so glad we're furiends.
ReplyDeleteGrr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Bwhahahahahaha...Pip's Roadkill Cafe...and Goose's church. And da pond and hardware store fur Molly, Mitch, and Angel Maggie! I can't believe how much thought and detail you put into dis little town.Oh my gosh dis is da coolest thing EVERS! I can't tells you how much I loves dis!
ReplyDeleteYou can sends da mean peoples to me...I is a fiesty one.
And I not likes mean peoples takin' our joy.
Which road is Sweet Willy Nilly Road. What sits on my road, I want to know. I think your village is wonderful. You have many interest. I feel that the person who leaves those nasty comments has no interests other than trying to make other people sad. I am going to pray for them, they need to be helped.
ReplyDeleteBlessings Bree,
Sweet William The Scot
NOW SEE Reilly and Denny... Look at all of the SUPERB Comments you have here.
ReplyDeleteThey CERTAINLY Outweigh any icky one!
WE ( (Ernie and I) think it was just a BAD case of somebuddy being GREEN With JELLYNESS over your Beautiful Village!!
Too Bad... Too SAD fur THEM!!!
HoooooRaaaay fur YOU.
Toot Toooooootttt chug chug All aboard...
WOOHOO. We love trains here at the Mayoral abode.
ReplyDeleteMy dad is in a train club, he buys brass trains then proceeds to make itty bitty parts and pieces to replicate the real train!
Well done and we are pleased to meet you
Madi and mom
Some people have miserable little lives and just enjoy trying to make others miserable. We like the train...and we know you HAVE to share your blogs sometimes because THEY have thumbs.
ReplyDeleteNow, we'd like to see some Gomez Addams wrecks occasionally...BOL! (just kidding)
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Woof! Woof! WOW! It's almost done. Just amazing. You gotta be proud of your mom. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
ReplyDeleteOMD! That is just WONDERFUL! Look what you have created! OMD! WOW! That is the COOLEST train/dog city I have ever seen! Oh Hugs and Wags to ALL of YOU! What a lot of work/love went into that! I am in AWE! Thank you so MUCH for building it and sharing it with us! :D I just LUV LUV LUV it! :D
ReplyDeleteWaggin at ya,
PeeS: Ya know, when Mom and I find time to make another animated movie, we would luv it if we could do something that included your set - so don't be surprised if we ask you down the 'tracks' ;) This is Just SUPER GRAND! :D
Dogville is looking good. I can't wait to check out your other blog to find out more on the train. How exciting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the live action tour. It is an amazing effort and beautifully done. I love the swans on the lake for Molly, Mitch, and Angel Maggie.
Wish we had that toy
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
This is just so cool, especially since all the bloggy doggies are included!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing :)
Hi Reilly and Denny, we're totally fine with whatever your mom wants to put up on the bloggie. We think that it makes things more interesting. And as long as you get an extra treat or two and a good spot to watch the trains come and go, then choo-choo on.
ReplyDeletepfff who cares what other peeps think! Just poop on em!
Oh, I thinks that is COOL!! I've never seen a train county that is so detailed! Wows, that musta taken your Moms FUREVER to set up!
ReplyDeleteHey, if peeps don't like it, tell em to put a sock in it!!! (or, I can poop in their shoes...your pick. I perfer the shoes, butts I be twisted like that!)
Goodness, this town is getting cuter and cuter. What's with the mean people? I wonder what they would have thought of my menopausal, Dr Seuss and other completely dog unrelated posts LOL. Life is about much more than what trick the dog has learnt since yesterday and the consistency of poop. Hooroo! X
ReplyDeleteYour mom has done a fabulous job and we have our own hardware store! How cool is that! And the white swans and black swan on the lake are perfect!
ReplyDeleteWe just your mom and dad's train! It's a work of art!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
We love your DogVille Train! It's so beautiful and amazing. Those little details of the buildings, the layouts, the lake and everything are so nicely done. It's a wonderland. Your mom is so patient and we are glad that you and Denny enjoy the whole process too.
ReplyDeleteWow that is amazing! It has turned out so great!
ReplyDeleteHow can any one complain about what a person/dog puts on their own blog? Makes no sense to me.
Our Grandpa is a big train guy, but we only get to see pictures when he visits from FLorida. Dad doesn't like to drive down there and we don't like to fly so it's unlikely we will ever get to see it in person.
ReplyDeleteSadly, Mom says the Internet is full of Trolls that just like to vent their anger and take the joy out of other's lives. A blog is a personal place to share your interests. If they aren't interested nothing forces them to read. Mom has an education blog, a craft blog and she helps us with our blog. Through that she follows lots of bloggers. Not all of them write about stuff she's interested in every day. However, there is no excuse for being rude. She just doesn't always post a comment that day if it is something she doesn't share a particular interest in talking to the blogger about that day.
It is sad people feel they need to tell others how to do a simple thing like write about their lives.
We think it is so cool your Mom has such a great talent.
That was very well put Reilly!
ReplyDeleteIt's great that Mum always includes you, no matter what, and that you're very supportive of the train set!
I love it too, but if they got me one, it may not last a day.
Tell Mom she's doing a fantastic job on it!