Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Australia Day !

Today the 26th of January is Australia Day and for those that don't know - our Mom is an Aussie so it is extra special to her. Recently Mom came across the Australian Bakery and Cafe in Marietta, Georgia and was able to order some REAL Aussie Goodies from there. So today we are celebrating with some traditional Aussie Sausage Rolls a tasty little sausage snack wrapped in short crust pastry and served with ketchup. One of the quirky things you also may not know about Aussies is they have a love for shortening words, like turning good-day into "g'day" and afternoon into "arvo" or breakfast into "brekky"  they even shorten the word Australia into "straya". Even after living in the USA for 15 years  it is always the first thing people ask when they meet Mom - "where are you from?" - she still has an Aussie accent :)


  1. Happy Australia Day! My mom celebrated with Wizz Fizz... but she was too greedy to use the little spoon and emptied the whole package in her mouth... wow, what a foam... bet the vet would give her a rabies shot hahahaha

  2. Hari Om
    HAPPY OZ DAY 'MUM'!!! Last night I had (vegetarian) haggis and champ to celebrate Burn's Night here in Scotland and today it will be home-made CHIKO ROLLS (without the mutton - I mush chickpeas instead, which suits the name better anyway)!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Happy Australian Day my sweet friends!! I hope you got mom's email. That food looks so tasty! XOXO - Bacon

  4. Happy Australia Day to you! Funny isn't it how foods define a culture and place for us and bring back memories.

  5. Lee always says to me you want your brekky when I come in after taking care of my business in the morning. Gosh she was talking Aussie and I didn't know it. So you have been in the states fifteen years I don't know why but I thought it had been longer. I bet you are missing Waltzing Matilda for sure.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. Happy Australia Day!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. Wow, happy Straya day to you and your Mom! Those sausage snackers look delish. My Mom once got a chocolate bilby candy pressie from HER (scotsmad) and said it was wonderful!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  8. Happy Australia Day to you!
    Dip and Elliot x

  9. Happy Australia Day to you and your Mom!!! Have a wonderful celebration. Mom was playing her Word Streak game on her iPad and they were celebrating Australia Day. You could get bonus words for finding words related to Australia Day. The only word she got the bonus for was snake??? What do snakes have to do with Australia Day?

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  10. We had a great Australia Day. We went to the river for two hours, and being a public holiday, all our friends were there. Then, she abandoned us to go to a barbie, but we had kangaroo for dinner.

    SHE's lived here for 42 years and occasionally gets picked up on the US accent.

  11. Wow! Happy Australia Day to you too!


  13. I didn't know about this day! Have fun!

  14. Well Happy Australia Day to you.
    stella rose

  15. Happy Australia Day! Glad you found some goodies from home to help you celebrate.

  16. Happy Australia Day to your mom!

  17. Wait a minute . . . our sissy is an Aussie? OMD! That means me and Stanley are Aussies too! YAY! Happy Australia Day!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. Happy Aussie Day to your mum!

    Aroo to you,

  19. Aussie Day!! Australia Day!!

    Pawleased to meet you...I saw you in Chester and Joey's blog!


  20. Happy Australia Day! .....( dose sossidge rolls look yummy!)

  21. Happy Australia Day! I love the accent.

  22. Crikey ..... from a fellow Aussie ..... Happy Australia Day. We had a good one. Sounds like you did too. Did you manage a lamington or two? It's great you've managed to keep your Aussie accent!! Mum's impressed.

  23. Happy belated Australia Day to your mom! That is so great that she found a place to order all of her favorites, I'm sure she must miss them a lot! Except for the vegamite stuff. Love Dolly

  24. Happy belated Australia Day!!! Do you guys bark with a bit of an Australian accent? Just curious.
    Your sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


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