Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What has 5 legs?

Mom is 'occasionally' disappointed that my beach is pretty much the same each day - she says she wishes more things would "wash-up" as she is at heart a bit of a beachcomber. It is very rare we find any 'good' shells, driftwood or much of anything really - not that it ever stops her from looking. For some reason she doesn't count a dead pelican or dead fish as a prized find - although we do :) :)

Needless to say she was SUPER happy today when she noticed a starfish on the sand and picking it up thought it would be nice to add to her tiny collection of beach finds. Well imagine her surprise when it started wiggling in her hand!  Mom instantly hunted around the rocks for a pool of water and when she found one she noticed 3 more star fish already in it! This is the first time we have seen starfishes at MY beach. She put the starfish back in the pool with the others and hoped it wasn't too dried out and would survive its 'living on land' experience. Oh - we should mention these were tiny starfish - only about 2 inches across and when Mom looked it up online she found it is called a "Brown Spiny Starfish" although ours looked more red than brown  so I am calling this one the "Red Cowspotdog Starfish" - a much better name we think :) :) :)
Breakwater Buddies
Yeah - we are handsome :)
Mr Starfish - right side up
Mr Starfish - upside down


  1. I finks they SHOULD rename those starfishes just fur yous!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Lady would feel the same as your mum, would want to find new treasures everyday. Love your starfish!

  3. wow that's Patrick, the sidekick of spomge bob :o) don't listen to him, he has crazy ideas :o)

  4. Oooh, my Ma would freak out if it wiggled in her hand. BOL I am so glad your mom saved that starfish. I hope it gets back to its ocean home soon.

  5. Squeals with piggy excitement. That is so cool. I've seen them in places but never live ones. So cool and glad you shared that. Awesome! XOXO - Bacon

  6. OMD your MOM just Earned herself a GOLD STAR fur saving that little Red Cowspot Starfish!! GOOD ON HER!!! Those are such Cool Drool thingys...

  7. We love those photos with the big boulders and wiggly starfish! Our mom gets bored too, same ol' frozen earth day after day . . .

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. You helped the little guy survive or maybe it was a girl one can never tell by the outside. I bet that was a shock when it moved.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  9. You guys are adorable. The star fish was rather cool to see.

  10. Ditto, we are always wishing something interesting would wash up on our beach too.
    That little starfish is a nice find though.
    Dip and Elliot x

  11. You saved the life of a star!! Surely that will bring good luck your way!

  12. Hari OM
    That's a star find.... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Could be a new species and you are allowed to name new finds. We think the Red Cowspotdog Starfish is perfect.

  14. Oh! Cool! Starfish are neat! Great find
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Red Cowspotdog Starfish is the perfect name, what fun finds you and your Mama came upon today!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  16. What a cool find!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  17. My mom found some back in the days when she did lots of diving. They are really neat.

  18. Way cool! Momma found some live stuff when we went to Sanibel.

  19. The starfish is sooooooooo cool!

  20. That's really nice of you all to save the star fish. Good karma goes a long way.

  21. I love the starfish! I hope he survived and made friends with those other starfish!

  22. What a lucky find!!! Both for Mom to se AND for Mr. Starfish to find his way back to his pals. We think that was very fun to see.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  23. That is so cool! I probably would have dropped the poor thing when it started to move. I guess that the tide will take them back out into the water.

  24. oh Goodness, I think that would have freaked mum out if she'd picked it up and it started to move. BOL!
    You two look super handsome on the rocks there.
    ~lickies, Ludo!

  25. Starfish? Cool! We have those too! Ojo likes to chew on them. But our people don't like this. Did you chew on yours?

  26. How cool! Will be a shame if it didn't survive and then not have kept it! Love Dolly


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