Thursday, January 14, 2016

Through the woods

One of the things I love about MY park is there are all different kinds of habitats within its boundaries - for example - to get to MY beach we have to pass through 3 of them. First is the woods - full of gnarly wind blown trees, lush green palms trees and feathery ferns that sway in the breeze and some amazing types of fungi. The woods are also an excellent place for sniffing as many night time creatures pass though there leaving tantalizing trails of their passing behind them. Occasionally we even  get a quick glimpse of squirrel or wild cat but they are very shy and super fast.

After we pass through the woods we come out into the sand dunes which tend to look quite barren after the woods but when we look closely we see little flowers growing low to the ground and beautiful grasses that have amazing seed heads. People often don't realize how important the sand dunes are as they protect the beach from erosion and it not good to walk of them as the plants have a very tenuous hold and can be damaged easily. Finally at the end of the boardwalk we come to Mom's most favorite spot - the beach. We often sit on the sand together listening to the whispers of the world across the water - or so Mom says - personally we just like to wait until a seagull comes close so we can chase it :)


  1. I luffs your beach butts I did not realise what an interesting walkies you haf to get there! Squirrel and wild cats, how exciting!!!
    If you listen real hard you'll hear me whispering a message across the oceans to you.....
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. I think I like the woods the best. Afterall, that's where the fairies live!

  3. Oh wow, what a privilege to see so much nature on one walk. The dunes are so important. Thank you for speaking up for them. It's true, people often don't know it's harmful to walk on them. Without them the beach wouldn't be as scenic.

  4. YOUR park is the best... it's an all in one and such places are hard to find. I'm glad you got this fabulous park :o)

  5. I love your beaches and parks my friends. It makes me want to come and explore with you! Do they allow piggies? XOXO - Bacon

  6. The beach is my favorite thing in the world. I love the smells, tuning and digging
    Lily (& Edward)

  7. When I was little we used to visit Cape Cod. The sand dunes were amazing and back then we were permitted to climb, and roll back down them. They have since figured out how damaging that is, and access to the "dunes on the Cape" is now limited.

    Did you sing that last bit? Lol

  8. That's very interesting. We would love to explore your parks and beaches!

  9. Elliot and I would love to walk there, such a contrast.
    Dip and Elliot x

  10. Our mom says she wishes we were right there with yous!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. WHISPERS of the WORLD... your mom is SO LYRICAL...

    We would like the Forest and the Beach... butt not that boardwalk thingy...

  12. All that on just one walk! That's magic.

  13. We love walks that take us through different habitats. And we especially love sand dunes. I'm afraid Gail is going to start a rant about how Donald Trump was allowed to build a golf course on one of the UK's most precious and unique sand dune habitats near Aberdeen, so I'd better go and try to calm her down…
    Toodle pip!

  14. That is quite an interesting walk to get to your beach
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. your photos are so beautiful! I can feel the sunshine coming through them! DakotasDen

  16. You have such wonderful places for your walks - we love seeing all the beaches and parks. Mom knows all about those dunes from when she used to visit the National Seashore Beach area on Cape Cod. Humans need to learn to respect them.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  17. You guys sure do have the life!

  18. Ya'll are so cute! Our Mom loves the beach but us not so much ;) I think Matt would love the nature part though.

    Bell Fur Zoo

  19. Such beauty...OH, and the forest and beach are pretty too!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. We loved the sand dunes on the beach in Germany, very pretty.

  21. Oh, I loves your parks!!! I am forever jealous over the purty places you guys gets to walk!
    Nows, I would LOVES to chase one of those burdies! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  22. That sounds like the perfect park! We'd love to explore it with you!

  23. What a cool walk ya get to take to get to da beach!

  24. Crikey ..... how good is your walk and your beach? That boardwalk looks like fun. We haven't got one of those at my beach.

  25. That's a long way to the beach but it sure looks worth it! Love Dolly


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