Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Neglected and Deflated

There we were enjoying a leisurely stroll when we spied something ahead - Dweeb tugged and pulled the Mom to make her move a little faster until he could finally press his nose to it. The conversation went like this :
Denny - what is Reilly?
Reilly - doh!
Denny - it looks like a ball?
Reilly - double doh!
Denny - there is something wrong with it?
Reilly - triple doh!
Denny - Maybe it is a sad ball and is feeling all neglected and deflated like
Reilly - mumbles under his breath and shakes his head
Denny taps it with his paw - there there little ball - I still like you
Reilly - turns pleading eyes to Mom - can we move on NOW before I am forced to bite him!


  1. Denny, you found treasure!!!!! Cool, well done!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Oh my dog. Did King Neptune throw a ball from the ocean. Wow.

  3. Hari OM
    Not all shells and stars along your way then?! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Well first of all Denny, that was very brave of you to want to go see something different and strange on the beach. And you are a very empathetic little dog which is a good thing. Sometimes Mr. Reilly forgets how important that is. Good thing you're there to make sure the little ball wasn't feeling too sad.

  5. Must be "Wilson's" first cousin! (remember Tom Hanks' friend from the movie Castaway?)

  6. maybe it is a waterball and you have to fill it first before it rolls around on YOUR beach?

  7. Poor ball - it looks how mom has felt the past couple of days - snorts with piggy laughter. Awesome find my friends. XOXO - Bacon

  8. Awe, Denny is so sweet! Nice of you to care about the neglected ball.

  9. Thank goodness you rescued that ball!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. You are soooooo sweet Denny!!! I thinks it's pawsome that you care abouts that neglected ball...nows you got to bring it home and never lets it go!!! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Oh no, we think you should get a blown up one for compensation.
    Dip and Elliot x

  12. Ah Denny you are so sweet. stella rose

  13. Denny, you are so kind hearted and sensitive. Don't listen to your brother!

  14. You guys always make me wag my Dachshund tail and bark out loud! BOL!

    Your wiener dog pal,

  15. You are such a softie, Denny!

  16. Hmmm, guess mom won't be painting that ball like she does the shells:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  17. I'll bet there's still some good "play" in that ball!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. THAT is a GRAND Rescue of a TREASURE from the Sea...

  19. Wow! Did you get to bring it home?

  20. Did either of you give it a good shake?

    Aroo to you,

  21. Looks like it belongs to Tom Brady.

  22. OMD! It could be Wilson. Did you get to bring it home and inflate its ego??

  23. aww, even a deflated ball needs love. did you take him home?
    xoxo,bailey unleashed

  24. Katie always deflated her soccer balls when she was playing. I would take them and run around with them as they are easier to carry.

  25. What you didn't get to bring it home? I have a great time with those throwing them into the air and pouncing! Love Dolly


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