Here I am ready and waiting to go and mom pulls out that camera thing......pleeeeeease mom, we are going to the pet store, I am excited and I DON'T want to stand still for another picture......okay if you insist, but you will be getting my hypnotic "I want to go to the pet store, I want to go to the pet store, I want to go to the pet store" look. Good - that worked, now let's GO! So off we went. Now the mom being ever vigilant noticed a new stand of Greenies on display. Some where in the back of mom's mind (a very scary place she says) she remembered there being a problem with these a few years ago. Mom wondered what other puppers mom's and dad's thought about these dental treats.
Me, I was just happy sniffing all the shelves and saying hello to everyone. There seems to be quite a few new people working in the store and they are much friendlier then the old staff. I certainly like them as I got a whole big doggie type oreo cookie filled with peanut butter and I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth, not one bit dropped!. Dog oh dog was it good....I didn't even care when it was sticking to the roof of my mouth and I looked funny trying to lick it off......it was just soooooooooo yummy.

Then we went to see the birds...mom likes to talk to the Sun Conure they have...I am not so fond of him, he sqwarks at me when I jump up to look at him. We also had at look at the bunnies and there was one that looked like me (white with black patches). I jumped up and said hello to the ferrets, they always come and press their noses to the glass.....mom isn't so fond of them, she says they smell bad. Then we checked out the fish and as mom was looking, a silly Oscar fish a couple of tanks away jumped out and landed on my back before flopping to the ground. Mom quickly scooped it up and put it back in the tank and it was fine. It was lucky I was was standing there and it had a soft landing but it gave me such a fright too!!!! I thought it might of been a dog fish trying to attack me!!!! Then we went to get a new finger tooth brush for me.....I tried to tell mom I didn't need it but she gave me one of those looks that says "mom knows best" and that was the end of that conversation. Moms can be very stubborn at times. We were going to go to the park after the pet store but with the rain we had yesterday the humidity is just terrible, in fact there is a fog like haze everywhere. The mom really doesn't like humidity and I am not so fond of it either, so although I would have liked a walk at the park, we can home. Mom did promise NOT to do my teeth until tomorrow so at least that is a good thing.
Woofitty woof
Hey buddy! Your trip to the pet store sounds fun. We LOVE going to the pet store ... mom is a sucker and we always wind up with a new toy :D
ReplyDeleteMom says that we are supposed to tell you that we don't trust Greenies. Mom doesn't like the fact that it took them so long to acknowledge that other pups were getting hurt and sick, and even then they didn't do much about it. Those nasty old hard Greenies weren't even pulled from shelves to protect other pups from getting hurt, too! Mom says that no business is going to get her money if they show such blatant disregard for all the pups out there. And even with the "new" recipe, your poop still comes out looking green ... that can't be a good sign. Plus, take a look at those ingredients ... I can't even pronounce half of them! Blegch!
We are BIG fans of bully sticks for chew treats. They last a long time, are all natural and completely digestible, unlike Greenies and rawhides. They are sometimes called "pizzles as well". Yum yum! Just be sure your mom gets you the 10-12 inch ones. Puppers our size are too big for the little 6-inchers.
Man what a trip super furry one! And that fish landing on you, how weird! I wonder how those Oscar Fishes taste...
ReplyDeleteGee I wish I could go to the pet store too. And have animals jump out of their cages and tanks at me! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeletelicks & goobers,
G'day Reilly
ReplyDeleteI just sniffed my way over from DWB to say hi. It's great to meet you ... I love making new friends.
Good to meet you too Charlie - new friends are always welcome.
ReplyDeleteHi Reilly,
ReplyDeleteWe don't like greenies either. The only time I ever had one, I had a horrible case of middle-of-the-night poop (not diarrhea- but uncontrollable poop). I didn't wake mom up but I went downstairs and did it all over the living room carpet. I was only about 6 months old at the time. A friend of my mom's gave her tiny 3-pound Yorkie and I each a greenie of the same size and I ate the whole thing before mom realized what had happened. The Yorkie never has a problem with them. But mom said she'd never let me have another. Obviously they are undigestable!
I think the consensus is to stay away from those greenies. Mom's instincts were right (much as I hate to admit it)Poor Ricky having that greenie issue and your mom having to clean that up!!!! When mom was reading about them she saw it said not to give to dogs under 12 months.....mom thinks they shouldn't be given to any dog given what she has been reading!!!
ReplyDeleteG'day Reilly
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link. There is now one going from my place to your place too .. That might help Mum to find her way home and back again easily, 'cause you know us dogs don't need any help! ;-)